End of Year Reflection

  1. My Favorite Project was making a robot which could draw on its own and it was really fun to make and I liked the end at the end when I watched the robot make art on its own

  2. Divergent Thinking: I was able to develop my project with my own interpretation of the theme, and I took creative risks. I utilized the concept of 'willfull sense of disbelief' to push my ideas.

  3. Craftsmanship in Making:The ability to create a work that is of high quality and integrity, regardless of tools or medium.

4. How makers has influenced me is by showing me I can accomplish anything I put my mind to because when I first came to makers I didn't know what I was getting myself into but then overtime I learned to use my brain and stuff literally just sitting in my house to make Awesome robots and art and other cool things I didn't know I could have made. I will definitely be using some of the skills and mindsets I learned in makers because they can be useful for helping me learn more about building and creating stuff and that can be really fun. Or maybe I can build something that can help the world in a huge way

Amanpreet Singh - Maker 1 / Creative Growth Rubrics

Beginning: I am aware of the skill/mindset

Developing:I am aware of the skill/mindset and I am actively working to improve my work with them in mind

Proficient: I demonstrate the skill/mindset regularly and I can point to specific examples of this in my work.

Exemplar: I use this skill/mindset in a way that I am confident the teacher could use me as one of the the highest examples in the class. I could teach others how to embody this skill/mindset in their work.

First Page 8/28/20