(7) (Robot Artist Name) and me

what I learned during the process of building my robot was how weight positioning and a couple other things could change how something works like how adding water could make my robot go straight and without it could spin in circles and positioning wise where the motor is can change how the robot moves too like if the put the motor on the side or on the top or even at the bottom of the bottle but overall this project was a bit hard for me personally but it was fun to watch after creating it while it made something.

(6) (Robot Artist Name) draws in amazing new style

My robot was mostly made to make circles and that is what it did best, I did add a little water to make the robot go straight but it ended up curving and as you can see you can see a sorta smiley face . My drawing style was just to see how abstract I can make the paper and i don't know if I did a good job or not.

(5) (Robot Artist Name) draws lines

My robot's body is a water bottle with a bit of water and has 4 legs (markers) to support it the motor is on top i changed the positioning of the battery it used to on a different angle from the motor but the motor and battery are now lined up.

(4) (Robot Artist Name) draws circles

I had to re adjust the markers because they were uneven and had to fix the wires to get the power to go by itself there is no water in the bottle

(3) Test run of (Robot Artist Name)

This process was kinda difficult because at first the robot wouldn't move so I dumped a bit of the water out to make it movable and i started putting the wires with the battery and it started moving I feel it still needs improvements but it makes pretty good lines for now I need to figure out the weight , because I kept tapping the battery with a few shocks from the wires and it made it move forward .

(2B) My Assembled Robot

My robot looks different than my plan of building it I used a different base instead of the container I used a half full water bottle and added a piece of cardboard to the top so I have a place to put to my motor

(2) My Robot Artist (plans)

I don't really have an artist part in my robot I am just using the objects to make a robot I don't plan on decorating my robot as of now but my mind might change and I might add some design to it.

I didn't really have any inspiration on my robot I just thought of what ever could work best to make a circle and I chose a circular object that I think might work.

(1) My Maker Space


X-ACTO knife

Glue Gun




Plastic Plate

Glue Gun Sticks