Name - Amanpreet Singh

Interests - Stuff I am interested in is Video games I play Esports to compete against other people for money and win tournaments you can say it is kinda like a side job , My favorite Game is Rainbow Six Siege its a competitive shooter game requires teamwork , I've been playing video games since I was about 6 I started off playing Mario on my Wii U and Some racing games on my Playstation then after a couple years I bought a Xbox and played Some Call of duty and basketball games like 2k , which brings us to my other interest which is basketball I didn't play basketball my entire life I actually used to play soccer up until 4th grade then My cousin introduced me to basketball and I Liked the Sport So in the summer of 4th grade I started playing for teams and playing basketball with my cousins and friends I didn't get to play on a school team in elementary because our school didn't have one but in middle school I played my 7th grade year in 8th I started getting kinda busy didn't really have time for basketball and school work and I put school first but I still played like at lunch time and stuff or my free time . Another one of my interest is I like to look at views and sunsets alot they make me feel peaceful and relaxed for some reason I don't know why , they also make me think about life sometimes and the world around us.

Future Plans - I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life but I still think it is gonna be something around engineering because one of my parents close friends Son works at Google and is a engineer he comes to our house sometimes and he shows me stuff and new features I never knew about the internet and he also brings his dog with him most of the time so ya it's pretty cool and I like messing with technology because you never know what you can create maybe that small little creation could make you millions one day who knows and I like to invent.

What Inspires Me To Be Creative Right Now - Something that inspires me to be creative is other art pieces , if I am able to get my ideas and get ideas from art I view and if I agree with my ideas about making something and I start to feel the confidence in making something then I start to feel creative and make stuff.