College Credit Plus Course Descriptions and Details:

LHS COTC Courses:

COTC ECE 150 - Guidance and Group Management

COTC ECE 160 - Integrated Curriculum

COTC ECE 211 - Family, School and Community

COTC EDU 101 - Introduction to Education

COTC HLT 110 - Medical Terminology

COTC MATH 130 - Intro to Statistics

COTC Math 140 - College Algebra

COTC MATH 150 - Pre-Calculus

COTC MATH 200 - Calculus 1

COTC ENGL 212 - Survey of American Lit. II

COTC CHEM 100 - Basic Chemistry

LHS Hocking College Courses:

Columbus State CC Courses:


HC BIOS 1120

Semester - Botany - 3 credits - grades 9-12

An introductory study of taxonomy as well as a review of structural and functional adaptations of major plant phyla, protista, and fungi. 


HC BIOS 1170

Semester - Zoology - 3 credits - grades 9-12

An introductory zoology course with emphasis on taxonomy and structural and functional adaptations of major animal phyla. 


COTC CHEM 100 - Basic Chemistry

Full year - Selected – 4 credit hours -Grades 9-12 

This course is the first introductory course in chemical principles. Laboratory experiments will be done that explore the subject material. 


HC GOVT 1142 

Full Year - American Government and Politics - 3 credit hrs 

Government is the study of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Ohio Constitution, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, the government of the United States, the political system at work, the government of the State of Ohio, local government in Ohio, comparative government and foreign affairs. 

Western Civilization

HC HUM-2201  

Semester – Western Civilization and Culture - Grades 9-12 - 3 credits

Provides an understanding that the human experience is not, and has never been, a series of stagnant, isolated moments. Students will learn to appreciate the fact that not all people have shared the same worldviews, opportunities, or problems. By the end of the semester, students will understand how we arrived, culturally and intellectually, where we are today 


HC PSYC 1101 

Semester - General Psychology – 3 credit hours

This course serves as a comprehensive and in-depth study of the theories and applications of psychology. The course consists of an overview of topics in the areas of both clinical and experimental psychology including memory, personality, consciousness, physiological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, human development, learning, abnormal behaviors and social processes. 


HC SOC 1101 

Semester – Introduction to Sociology - Select – Grade 9, 10, 11, 12 

This course is a comprehensive and in-depth study of the theories and applications of Sociology. This course covers the nature of human society, social behaviors and factors affecting their development. Topics include culture, socialization, social organization, groups, institutions, normative and deviant behavior and social stratification. 

Public Speaking

HC COMM 1130 

 Semester – Speech -Select – Grade 9, 10, 11, 12 

This course emphasizes communication process and extemporaneous speaking skills through informative, demonstrative and persuasive speeches. The student learns to analyze audiences, choose and narrow topics, develop content through library and other resources, use presentation aids, clearly organize speech material and effectively deliver finished speeches to a class audience

English Composition

HC ENGL 1510 

Semester – English Composition I with Research - Select – Grade 9, 10, 11, 12 

The course will focus on developing skills in college-level writing, reading, communication, and critical thinking. Writing is a process, and your writing can be refined and improved with practice. In this course, you will write a minimum of 20 pages of formal revised essays, as well as additional directed writing, including response, analysis and critique of various assigned texts.

Child Development

HC PSYC 2170 

Semester – Child Development Select – Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Explores physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development of an individual from conception through childhood. The coursework emphasizes normal growth and development with discussions of biological and environmental factors that influence development. 

Computer Science

HC CYBR 2101 Python and HC WEB 1102 HTML 

Full Year - 6 Hrs Total (3 + 3)

By completing the PLTW Computer Science Principles (CSP) course students will earn credit for TWO Hocking College Courses. 

Criminal Justice

CSCC CRJ 1101 Introduction to Criminal Justice

Students enrolled in the Criminal Science Career Tech Program have the option to take the course for CCP Credit.

3 Credit Hours

This course examines the development of law and the systems and procedures developed by society for dealing with law violations. Emphasis will be placed on the three major components of the system: the police, courts, and corrections. 

Criminal Justice

CSCC CRJ 1110 Introduction to Policing

Students enrolled in the Criminal Science Career Tech Program have the option to take the course for CCP Credit.

3 Credit Hours

This course will describe the evolution of policing in the United States while introducing different styles of policing. Ethics and police discretion are also large topic areas in the course. 

Art Appreciation

HC Art 1100

Semester - Selected Grades 9-12

3 Semester Hours

Art Appreciation is the study of the elements and principles of art, and a chance to explore forms of expression by various artists from a wide array of visual media. This is a broad survey course, intended to develop students understanding of the materials and techniques artists use as well as develop students critical thinking and visual interpretation skills. 

American Literature


Semester - Survey of American Literature II – 3 Credit Hours - Select – Grade 9, 10, 11, 12 (Must meet Prerequisites)

This course is designed to expose the student to a wide range of later American literature. In this course, the student will examine the works of major writers in the U.S., beginning with the years following the Civil War and leading up to the present day. The student will read and critically analyze various genres, including essays, short stories, fiction, drama, and the novel. The student will also use literary criticism and theories that may include, but are not limited to, biographical criticism, gender criticism, historical criticism, psychological theories, and reader-response theories. This course meets one of the required English graduation credits. 

Medical Terminology


Semester - Medical Terminology - 2 Credit Hours

Course for students in the CTE Health Tech program, Grades 11, 12

This course is designed to introduce the student to medical vocabulary as it relates to structure, function, physiology, diseases, diagnostics and treatment associated with body systems


COTC Math 130 

Full year  - Introduction to Statistics –  3 credit hours– Grades 9-12 

This course introduces basic statistical measures. Emphasis will be on core concepts and calculation of specific measures as well as appropriate application of those measures. Topics include measures of central tendency and dispersion, various statistical distributions (to include normal, student's t, Chi Square, and F) and confidence intervals, correlation and regression, sampling and hypothesis testing, ANOVA, and introductory probability concepts. 


COTC Math 150

Full Year - Pre-Calculus - 5 Credit Hours - Grades 9-12

This course is a study of algebraic functions, trigonometry, vectors, conic sections, sequences and series. The course will include the study of polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic and piece-wise defined functions, and the trigonometric functions and their graphs. Topics investigated will include domain, range, graphs, inverses, operations, equations, inequalities and their applications 


COTC Math 200

Full year - Calculus 1 - 5 Credit Hours - Grades 9-12 - Select

Concepts of limits of functions are covered including continuity of functions. The definition of the derivative as well as rules for differentiation develop the ability to find the derivatives of functions, including polynomial, rational, algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions. Derivatives are used in curve sketching as well as in solving applied problems. The Mean Value Theorem and Newton’s Method for optimization are covered. Definite and indefinite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, the substitution method and area between curves are discussed. 

College Algebra

COTC Math 140

Full year - College Algebra - 3 Credit Hours - Grades 9-12 - Select

Prerequisite: MATH-014 with a "C" (2.00) grade or better or appropriate placement per COTC Assessment and Placement policy. Course is graded A-F. This course is a study of algebraic functions including polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic and piece-wise defined functions. Topics investigated will include domain, range, graphs, inverses, operations, equations, inequalities and their applications. MATH-140 meets the Ohio Transfer Module standards for course TMM001. ts 


CSCC Latin 1101 and 1102

*Embedded in LHS Latin 3 and Latin 4 

LATN 1101and LATN 1102 are introductions to the fundamentals of Latin with practice in reading and writing. It includes selected studies in culture. 


CSCC French 1101 - Beginning French 1

CSCC French 1102 - Beginning French 2

*Embedded in French 3 and French 4

FREN 1101 presents an introduction to the fundamentals of the French language with practice in listening, reading, speaking and writing. Course also includes selected studies in French culture.

FREN 1102 - This course is a continuation of FREN 1101, with further development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills and further study of French culture. FREN 1102 meets elective requirements in the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degree programs and transfer requirements in foreign languages and literature. 

Classroom Management

COTC ECE 150 Guidance and Group Management

*Students enrolled in the TAC (Teacher Academy) Career Tech Program will have the option to take this course for CCP Credit.

3 Semester Hours

This course will focus on the principles and methods of guiding young children. Emphasis will be on the use of individual and group guidance and problem solving techniques to develop positive and supportive relationships with children. The student will explore and reflect on strategies that promote positive conflict resolution, self-control, self-esteem within a nurturing, safe community classroom environment. As a participant observer, the student will apply the principles of active positive guidance with young children under the supervision of a qualified cooperating teacher. Referral sources, parental participation and program collaboration will be an important focus for children with challenging behaviors. 


COTC ECE 160 Integrated Curriculum

*Students enrolled in the TAC (Teacher Academy) Career Tech Program will have the option to take this course for CCP Credit.

3 Semester Hours

The student will explore the theories, techniques and approaches to planning and implementing learning experiences for young children. Concepts of play, appropriate practices, documentation, assessment and inquiry based learning experiences will be addressed and practiced. The student will be required to work collaboratively with peers and children in a child care setting. 

Introduction to Education


 *Students enrolled in the TAC (Teacher Academy) Career Tech Program will have the option to take this course for CCP Credit.

3 Semester Hours

This is a survey course for the introduction to the teaching profession. The student will engage in a variety of experiences that will broadly explore the purposes of schools in society and the knowledge, dispositions and skills required to be an effective teacher. The student will demonstrate familiarity with the major themes of the teaching profession and explain how these issues impact the field of education. Observation sessions will be required in various grade levels. 

Family, School & Community

COTC ECE 211 Family, School and Community

*Students enrolled in the TAC (Teacher Academy) Career Tech Program will have the option to take this course for CCP Credit.

3 Semester Hours

Family, School and Community 3 credit hours, 3 contact hours (3 hours lecture and 0 hours lab). Prerequisite: None. Course is graded A-F. This course will include knowledge and understanding family and community characteristics, family structures and social and cultural backgrounds. Explore how to support and empower families and communities through relationship building. Involve families and communities in children's development and learning. The student will be required to connect with a family and research community resources to assist in strengthening the family, the schools and the community in relation to children's development and care. ECE-211 meets the Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide standards for course OED01