Exclusion List for Parents.pdf
Exclusion List for Parents Spanish.pdf

Important COVID-19 Updates/Reminders (refer to COVID-19 page):


-If your child has symptoms of COVID-19, do not send your child to school

-If your child is waiting on results from a COVID-19 test, do not send your child to school.

-If someone in the household has symptoms or tested positive for COVID and your child is not having symptoms, quarantine is NOT required.

Attestation Form for At-Home COVID-19 Test (English)

Attestation Form for At-Home COVID-19 Test (Spanish/Español)

If your student is having symptoms, PLEASE STAY HOME...DO NOT come to school. 

Contact US:

Phone: 803-283-1444

Fax: 803-283-0648

School Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm daily

If we do not answer the phone, please feel free to leave a message and we will return the call as soon as possible or send an email, if you prefer.  Thanks!!