
NAMI Piedmont Tri-County (National Alliance on Mental Illness): NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health nonprofit organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. 

Our Mission:

The mission of NAMI Piedmont Tri-County is to improve the quality of life and treatment for those who live with mental health conditions and their family members through education, support, and advocacy. Providing hope to those who deserve it most.


www.namipiedmont.org or 803-610-8174 or Facebook @NAMIPTC

Support Groups:

When a friend or family member develops a mental health condition, it's important to know that you're not alone. NAMI provides many support opportunities that are dedicated to helping the lives of those affected by mental illness. Each peer-support program below is intended for a different population.

NAMI Piedmont Tri-County FREE Support Groups:

NAMI’s support groups provide a confidential and safe space for families, caregivers, and individuals affected by mental illness, to be heard and to receive the support they deserve. 

11 Support Groups Offered Monthly:


These Principles represent what we are striving for – our goals and aspirations as we struggle to come to terms with our mental illnesses. This is our belief system regarding universal, necessary truths that guide and strengthen us when life deals us this particular challenge.-We will see the individual first, not the illness.

The goal of support group meetings is to help the caregiver have a safe place to share their thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental atmosphere, to be embraced by others who are in similar circumstances, to gain encouragement and hope in managing their lives, and to grow in the knowledge that we can return to a happy and healthy life.

Find Help:




M-F, 10 AM - 6 PM ET

Crisis Text Line: (Available 24/7/365)

Text "NAMI" to 741741 


No matter how challenging the times, you are not alone in South Carolina, thanks to SC-HOPES, an anonymous support line connecting you with an experienced team of mental health and addiction counselors. We are ready to help if you are overwhelmed by COVID-19 challenges, feeling overly stressed or anxious, coping with a natural disaster, struggling with addiction, feeling depressed and don't know where to turn. Call 844 SC HOPES when you need to talk. SC HOPES, mental health and addiction support for challenging times. 

Contact: 844-SC-HOPES or https://scdmh.net/15847-2/   

SC Suicide Prevention Lifeline: # 988


CRISIS TEXT LINE: Text “HOPE4SC” to 741741


TRANS LIFELINE: 877.565.8860

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call 1.833.364.2274 to contact DMH Mobile Crisis, a statewide service that provides on-site emergency mental health screening, assessment, and referral, as appropriate, 7 days a week, with the Mobile Crisis team to meet the psychiatric needs of the residents of South Carolina.