

  • Need a toilet fast? Search "boys", "girls" or "single" - whichever is right for you - to get the list. (Single-use restrooms are for anyone. Lock the door when you go in so no one else comes in. There are 4 in the building.)

  • Want to print? Search "print". The printer is in the library/media center.

  • Need a drink? There are 5 water fountains in the building, each named for the restroom they are next to. You can fill a water bottle at each of them. Search "water" to see the list.

  • Set your teachers' names as favorites so you don't have to search every time

  • Check if you have any appointment passes. You'll get these for early dismissals, visiting your counselor, or other meetings.

  • Want to go to Math Lab? Check your math class in SGY and go to the SignUpGenius. (Only students from certain classes are eligible.) Sign up for a time slot. You'll get a confirmation email with your exact time. When it reaches that time, create a pass to the Math Lab in eHallpass and show your confirmation email to your teacher to confirm the appointment. Once they've approved it, you'll go to Math Lab and check in.

e-Hallpass on your Phone

eHallpass on your Phone.pdf

Using e-Hallpass

PFH Students 1_ What_ Why_ When_ How.pdf


eHallpass Map