Schedule Changes

Why We Regulate Schedule Changes

Schedule Changes

Course Changes

Students or parents are able to request a schedule change until June 8th, 2023. Schedule changes can be requested through this Google Form

Course changes after Zero Day of the school year will only be honored for authorized academic reasons. Examples may be listed below:

Prohibited Changes

The following requests will not be reviewed by Dominion School Counselors:

Course Level Changes

Level Change requests will occur after the 1st Interim (October 1st) unless otherwise deemed necessary by the building principal/designee. Prior to making a level change, students should be accessing all available academic supports. Including: 

Only after the student, parent, teacher, and counselor have agreed the student made a good-faith attempt will the level down be approved. If the parties disagree, an assistant principal will facilitate the discussion. 

Course grades earned in the previous course will transfer to the new course. The student may be responsible for completing makeup work in the new level to cover any material not covered in the previous level.