Health and PE

Health and Physical Education provides all students with the knowledge, processes, and skills needed to become physically fit through activities that contribute to lifetime fitness and wellness. Students are provided the opportunity to acquire an understanding of health concepts and skills, and to apply them in making healthy decisions. All secondary students are required to have a fitness portfolio that includes present levels of fitness, an exercise plan, nutrition and fitness logs, and personal goals. Students maintain the portfolio to help them in making healthy choices and to track progress.

Two instructional units of Health & Physical Education are required for graduation in Virginia (HPE 9 and HPE 10 in LCPS). The high school model for Physical Education aligns with the Virginia SOLs, and allows students to self-select among a variety of lifetime activities. Adapted PE services are provided to qualifying students and Advanced PE is an elective course available to students in grades 11 and 12. Health is taught through instructional units both in a classroom setting and in the gym through movement, when appropriate. Instructional units in Health include CPR and First Aid certification in the 9th grade, classroom Driver Education in 10th grade, and a variety of other relevant health topics noted in the syllabi. The department chair at Dominion is Mr. Lance Windish.

Health and PE 9

Grade Level:9

Students are offered a variety of challenging activities with an emphasis on incorporating the five components of fitness and the application of the scientific principles of anatomy and physiology into a fitness plan. High School Health and Physical Education is scheduled for one block every other day. Students begin to develop personal choices for preferred activities that include cooperative games, individual and dual sports, team sports, rhythmic activities, physical fitness testing, and lifetime fitness and recreational activities.

The 9th grade health curriculum includes topics such as personal fitness and nutrition; stress and mental health; sleep; alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; gang involvement; endocrine system; body image and eating disorders; risk behaviors; consumer health and health agencies; global health issues; certification training in Cardio-Pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) and First Aid; community health; and the use of technology in making informed, healthy choices. Selected Family Life Education (FLE) topics are also included in this course.

Health and PE 9 is offered during Zero Block

Health and PE 10

Grade 10

Students are offered a variety of challenging activities with an emphasis on incorporating the five components of fitness and the application of the scientific principles of anatomy and physiology into a fitness plan. High School Health and Physical Education is scheduled for one block every other day. At this level, students select preferred activities from a menu of activities, including cooperative games, individual and dual sports, team sports, rhythmic activities, and lifetime fitness and recreational activities. Physical fitness testing is also included in this course.

The 10th grade health curriculum includes topics such as medical and health career opportunities; alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; organ donation; nutrition and wellness planning; risk behaviors; sedentary lifestyle; cancer; chronic disease; suicide; need for medical screenings; crisis management plans for natural disasters; emotional health; peer pressure; and conflict resolution. Driver Education classroom instruction and selected Family Life Education (FLE) topics are also included in this course.

Health and PE 10 is offered in conjunction with Driver's Education.

Health and PE 10 is offered during Zero Block.

Driver's Education

Grade 10

This course consists of 36 hours of classroom instruction and the 90-minute Partners for Safe Teen Driving presentation. Classroom Driver Education includes topics such as motor vehicle laws, vehicle controls, influences on driver behavior, adverse conditions, responsible driving behaviors, time and space management, and basic maneuvers. This course follows the Virginia Standards of Learning for Driver Education classroom instruction.

As mandated by the Virginia General Assembly, a 90-minute Partners for Safe Teen Driving presentation is also required for classroom completion. The parent/guardian and teen driver must attend this presentation together (§22.1-205 of the Code of Virginia). Students will not be issued a Driver Education classroom completion card (DEC-1) until this requirement is met.

Students taking Classroom Driver Education will earn the grades of P-Pass, N-Not Pass, or F-Fail. If a student does not attend the Partners for Safe Teen Driving presentation that is offered at every high school, the student will earn a grade of N until they complete the presentation.

Transfer students, students who failed the Driver Education portion of H/PE 10, or students who have taken and passed Driver Education but failed the Department of Motor Vehicles written test must re-take the classroom portion of Driver Education. Students should take a state-approved Classroom Driver Education course online. For more information please visit

Personal Fitness

Grades 11-12

Pre-requisites: Health/PE 10

This elective course focuses on the design and implementation of a personal fitness portfolio that includes dietary needs; personal fitness goals; physical activities that are self-selected and sustainable for a lifetime; ongoing fitness and nutrition assessments; understanding of target heart rate; use of fitness data; and daily activity logs that are designed to record physical activity in the moderate to vigorous range. Students may select physical activities from the following areas: individual and dual sports, team sports, weight training, and conditioning, personal fitness, recreational activities, and rhythmic activities.

Advanced Team Sports

Grades 11-12

Pre-requisites: Health/PE 10

Advanced Team Sports is an elective course for students to explore sports, games, and other recreational activities through a more complex lens. Individual students are tasked with collaborating alongside their teammates to decide on rules, strategies, officiating, and sport-specific assessments. The ultimate goal of this course is to provide a venue where students experience 21st century skills through sports and activities.

NASM-CPT course

Grades 11-12

Pre-requisites: Health/PE 10, 17 years old, government-issued ID prior to the start of the school year

This course is designed for anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in the health, fitness, and wellness field with a specialty in certified personal training. The National Academy of Sports Medicine -CPT (NASM -CPT) course incorporates anatomy, biomechanics, kinesiology, and movement evaluation. You will also learn how to create, implement and modify safe and effective exercise plans for clients as well as yourself!

Intro to Yoga

Grades 11-12

Pre-requisites: Health/PE 10

Intro Yoga/Fitness provides students with a foundation of knowledge, skills and experiences needed to apply stress-reducing activities to improve posture, movement, flexibility, balance, core function, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. Students will learn and experience the benefits of various mind-body exercises and activities.