ELPAC Initial and Summative Assessments

The ELPAC is comprised of two separate English language proficiency (ELP) assessments: the Initial ELPAC and the Summative ELPAC.

The Initial ELPAC is the required state test for ELP that is given to students whose primary language is a language other than English. State and federal law requires that local educational agencies (LEAs) administer a state test for ELP to eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve. The purpose of the Initial ELPAC is to determine the English proficiency of students entering California schools for the first time. Identifying students who need help learning in English is important so students get the support they need to do well in school while receiving instruction in all school subjects.

The Summative ELPAC is an annual assessment to measure an English learner’s progress and to identify the student’s ELP. This assessment is given in the spring. The ELPAC is aligned with California’s 2012 English Language Development Standards and assesses students’ ELP skills in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.

Comparison of Initial and Summative ELPAC