5 Days In Person (AM/PM)
Green Status
Students will receive 170 minutes of in-person instruction on a daily basis.
Additionally, they will be required to complete at least 70 minutes (10 for TK/K) daily of distance learning assignments.
Classes and Cohorts
Classes will be split to form two cohorts
A cohort will have approximately 10-15 students
There will be an AM cohort and a PM cohort
AM 8:10-11:00
11:00-12:30 classroom cleaning
PM 12:30-3:20
Lunch will be provided as a grab and go service
Daily Distance Learning Assignments
Students will be expected to complete at least 70+ minutes (10+ minutes in TK and K) daily of distance learning assignments in addition to their in person learning
Distance learning content may consist of:
Physical education
Middle school electives
Social studies
Additional literacy and/or math practice
Classroom Design
Classrooms are set up to maintain 6 feet of social distance between students, students and staff, and staff and other adults
Cleaning supplies are available for all staff
All spaces have hand sanitizer dispensers
Classrooms have sinks, soap, and towel dispensers
Plexiglass are available as needed
Students will have their own set of materials