Daily Screening

Beginning on April 12, 2021 the Daily Screening forms will no longer be used.

Parents: monitor your children for COVID-19 symptoms. Do not send students to school if symptomatic (follow test or 10)

Staff: self-assess your health daily

Student Daily Screening Forms -

Discontinued on 4/2/21

Daily screenings must take place every day that a staff member, adult, or student enter campus

  1. If your child is ill or will not be on campus, you do not need to fill out a daily screening form.

  2. Please complete your daily screening prior to arriving on campus

    • Use the Google Form link provided by your teacher or the link by school below

    • Temperature checks are to be completed at home and recorded on the Google Form

      • If you are unable to take your/your child's temperature, staff will have thermometers at the school site

      • Parents/guardians should check their child(ren) for symptoms of illness every morning before bringing them to school. If their temperature is 100.4°F or higher, or they have other symptoms of illness, please keep them home from school.

  3. Daily screening completion will be reviewed by your child's teacher prior to entering the classroom

  4. Staff member and other adult daily screenings will be reviewed by the school site's office staff

LCMSD QR Code Training Video: Adult Daily COVID Screening, Student Daily COVID Screening, & Contact Tracing

Parents: If you forget to fill out the Student Daily COVID Screening at home, we have the QR codes posted at each entrance on red paper. See the video above for further details.

Adult Daily Screening Forms (staff and visitors) - Discontinued on 4/2/21



Neil Cummins


Hall Middle


District Office


For Staff (discontinued on 4/2/21)

Please complete an Adult Daily Screening Form every morning before reporting to campus (links for each school are below)

Your classroom's daily screening form is linked above by school

  1. Send your link and/or QR code to the parents in your classroom (click on your school's "student daily screening forms" QR code for your unique class code)

  2. QR code can be read by smart phones using the camera.

Daily screening protocol (access to the completed form will be sent to you the week of 8/24)

  1. When meeting your cohort of students in your identified outside location, verify that all students have completed a daily screening form for the day

  2. For students who have not completed a daily screening form, ask them the questions and complete the form for them (you will be provided a no-touch thermometer)

  3. Review responses and radio the main office if you need to send a student to the isolation area (based on responses)

Students and staff should NOT come to school if:

      • They have a fever of 100.4°F or higher or any symptoms of illness

      • Anyone in their household has a fever of 100.4°F or higher or any symptoms of illness consistent with COVID-19

      • They may have been exposed to COVID-19 within the last 14 days

          • Exposure means that an individual has been in close contact, within 6 feet, of a positive or suspected case of COVID-19 for 15 or more minutes. This includes:

            1. If a member of the household has tested positive or it is suspected that they have COVID-19 by their healthcare provider

            2. You or someone in your household has traveled to a country identified as a CDC level 3 or higher risk rate (prior to, or occurring while you are in-country)

            3. You or anyone in your family have been contacted by the public health department as a close contact to a case of COVID-19 and have been instructed to self-quarantine

      • If your child is experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or may have been exposed to COVID-19, please contact your child’s healthcare provider for further direction regarding the need for testing and/or doctor’s visit.

      • Students with known underlying health conditions may be at increased risk of severe illness. These health conditions may include Diabetes (Type I and II), immune system deficiencies, or chronic respiratory conditions. If your child has a chronic health condition, please consult with your child’s healthcare provider to determine if/when it is safe to attend school.