Curriculum Review Resources (Math Focus)

Quick Tips from the Idaho Regional Math Specialists:

Principals to Actions p70-78 on curriculum (link to excerpt) - A must-read chapter that synthesizes quality research-based principles and considerations for defining and adopting a quality curriculum, including a table showing productive and unproductive beliefs. Purchase Principals to Actions here. This book is a foundational outline of effective math education centered on high-leverage math practice standards.

Quality instructional materials will integrate practices in the Idaho Mathematics Instructional Framework and the Standards for Mathematical Practice outlined by grade level in the Idaho State Content Standards for Mathematics

The Curriculum Adoption Process Framework includes well-considered details on the adoption process and a free workbook for curriculum adoption teams to use, in particular, the 1.3 workbook (link to overview page) gives an excellent overview of how to effectively solicit stakeholder input, develop the rubric, identify the options you will review, and train the Review Committee on the rubric and process

The Idaho state curriculum page --> Recommended Curricular Materials --> Mathematics --> adoption guides provide notes for various curricula, including a K-12 general resource and K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 specific resources.

SETDA has a list of quality tools for curriculum evaluation