Officer Positions

In FBLA there are officers that help run and plan various events and workshops. These officers could range from local, area, state-wide, or nation-wide positions. 

Interested in Running for an Area Position?


The President will help recruit schools in our Area so we can increase our membership. The responsibilities also include hosting our Area competition by planning workshops, assisting in managing and promoting our Area website, attending the Summer Leadership Training, Fall leadership workshop and planning our Area social.


The Secretary will help recruit schools in our Area so we can increase our membership. The responsibilities include assisting in managing and promoting our Area website, attending the the Summer Leadership Training, Fall leadership workshop, attending the Area leadership conference, and planning our Area social.


The Treasurer will help recruit schools in our Area so we can increase our membership. The responsibilities include assisting in managing and promoting our Area website, managing the Band app posting updates, the Summer Leadership Training, attending the Fall leadership workshop, attending the Area leadership conference, and planning our Area social.

Reporter Historian

The Reporter/Historian will help recruit schools in our Area so we can increase our membership. The responsibilities include assisting in managing and promoting our Area website, taking pictures at all events and submitting them to our state reporter/historian, the Summer Leadership Trainingattending, the Fall leadership workshop, attending the Area leadership conference, and planning our Area social.