Corporate Logins

Accessing LBPSB systems and e-mail

Your 9-digit employee number is the default password to access the following systems, as well as WiFi at our schools and centres:

If you do not know your username, please ask the person responsible for payroll at your school/centre to check your "portal address" in Paie. The username is the text before the @ in the e-mail address.

Password changes

Password changes must be carried out through the SSO, which will update the password for Fusion, e-mail and WiFi at the same time (this will NOT change the password for web salary statements and tax slips).   Click here for a useful document outlining best practices for passwords from LBPSB's Innovation & Technology Services.

LBPSB employee obligation regarding board by-laws, policies, procedures & directives

To comply with legal requirements, employees must commit to reading and following all policies, by-laws, procedures, directives and guidelines in the exercise of their duties. 

New employees have the obligation to log in to the Board's Single Sign-On system (SSO) at  as soon as possible after receiving their username and employee number. Employees are also expected to consult their Board e-mail account on a regular basis to remain well-informed about relevant news, announcements, and directives. 

When accessing SSO for the first time, confirmation of acknowledgment and compliance with specific official documents will be required, and each employee's acknowledgment will be recorded digitally. Confirmation is not required upon each login but the same procedure will be used used going forward, as needed, for any official document requiring employee acknowledgment.

LBPSB policies, by-laws, procedures, and directives can be found online at:

Employees will also find internal reference documents, applicable to employees only and with which they must also comply, on SSO under the icon Reference Documents for Employees. 

Web salary statements and web tax slips

Web salary statements and web tax slips can be accessed through, through the link provided in your biweekly payroll e-mail, or through the link on the SSO.

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing your web salary statements, contact the IS Help Desk: x31200