Edward O'Neil, PhD


Owner, O'Neil & Associates

Edward O'Neil is the Owner of O’Neil & Associates a management consulting and leadership development firm focused on change and renewal in the health care system. His clients include some of the nation’s leading health systems, research organizations, hospitals, health plans, professional groups, pharmaceutical firms, state and federal agencies and educational institutions.


In June of 2012 he retired from his position as Professor in the Departments of Family and Community Medicine, Preventive and Restorative Dental Sciences and Social and Behavioral Sciences (School of Nursing) at the University of California, San Francisco. Where he also served as Founding Director of the Center for the Health Professions, a research, advocacy and training institute which he created in 1992 to assist health care professionals, health professions schools, care delivery organizations and public policy makers understand the challenges and opportunities of educating and managing a health care workforce capable of improving the health and well being of people and their communities. His work has focused on change of the US health care system through improved policy, organizational design and leadership.


During his tenure at UCSF he created or led the Pew Biomedical Scholars Program, the California HealthCare Foundation Leadership program, the Clinical Leadership Program for Blue Shield Foundation of California and the Robert Wood Johnson funded Executive Nurse Fellows Program as well as number of other research and leadership development programs in health care, research and policy. For ten years first at Duke University and later at UCSF, Dr. O’Neil was the Executive Director of the Pew Health Professions Commission.

In 2001 he created O’Neil & Associates to assist organizations in understanding the strategic challenges they face in a changing health care world and developing strategies and leadership competencies to succeed. His clients include foundations, academic health centers, public sector providers and policy makers, the pharmaceutical industry and providers in health systems and professional practices. He is a frequent keynote presenter on health care reform, leadership development and practice model change in health care.

He holds undergraduate and Master’s degrees from the University of Alabama and a Master’s of Public Administration and Doctorate in History from Syracuse University. In addition, he holds honorary degrees from New York Medical College, the Western University of Health Sciences and two other universities. In 2003 he was elected to an honorary Fellowship in the American Academy of Nursing.  He and his wife Gayle have four adult children. Ed is a docent for the SF Public Library giving architectural walking tours of the city, a beekeeper and does interpretive historical characters in the public schools.  In 2023 Ed moved his leadership and organizational development work to Hunkapiller & O'Neil Advisors

Naledi Saul, MPM

Director, Office of Career and Professional Development

Naledi Saul is the Director of the UCSF Office of Career and Professional Development. She leads the university's efforts to teach clinicians- and scientists-in-training the information, skills and confidence required to navigate their careers successfully.

Her area of expertise involves teaching trainees how to skillfully assess and successfully negotiate educational and professional spaces and situations in the clinic, the lab, and the larger world.  From helping trainees position and present themselves professionally, manage power differentials in professional relationships, and develop their ability to inclusively mentor, teach and supervise as new managers and faculty, to communication competencies such as presentation skills and negotiation. The essential thread throughout her work is the focus on strengthening clinicians' and scientists' ability to make decisions and develop strategies informed by their own definitions of professional integrity and personal identity.

Naledi is also deeply interested in supporting institutions in establishing, building and integrating high-functioning career services at the graduate/post-graduate level, as well as teaching the professional development skills required to engender high functioning and healthy teams.

In recognition of her work, she was selected for the UCSF Chancellor's Award for University for Exceptional University Management and the Chancellor's Award for Diversity, Advancement of Women Leaders.  She has served as an advisor to the Career Forum at Science magazine’s online resource, Sciencecareers.org, and frequently presents career-related workshops at ABRCMS and FASEB. Naledi also is a Co-PI on NSF grant focused on teaching future faculty how to inclusively supervise and mentor.  

Prior to UCSF, Naledi was an Assistant Dean of Students and Assistant Director of the Career Center at Amherst College, and an Assistant Director of the Career Development Center at Mount Holyoke College. She holds a Master of Public Management degree from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Spelman College.

Bill Lindstaedt, MS

Consultant, STEM PhD Career Development

Co-Investigator, Collections Project, Professional Development Hub

Bill Lindstaedt has been helping scientists and engineers launch successful careers for 30 years.  From 2001-2023, he supported the career development needs of PhD students, postdocs and their faculty mentors at UCSF.  In his career counseling practice, he has developed particular expertise working with biomedical scientists as they transition from academic positions to careers in the biotech/pharma sector.  While at UCSF, Bill co-authored Science’s “myIDP”, a web-based career development tool which has been used by more than 300,000 scientists and is recommended by dozens of graduate and postdoctoral programs around the country.  Recently retired from UCSF, he now serves as co-Investigator on an NIH-funded initiative to build STEM PhD professional development resources across institutions.  Additionally, he serves as a contracted career consultant with the Academic Programs Office at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and with Emory University’s Office of Postdoctoral Education.  

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