Welcome to Day 3!

Congrats on taking this step to advance your career and professional development, and enhance your leadership skills!

Course agenda, resources, small group discussion materials, and the day 3 survey are included below. If you have any questions regarding the course and logistics, please contact your specific site organizers. Information regarding specific site logistics may be found here.


DAY 3 : April 24, 2024

9:00am - Site Specific Announcements

10:05am - Q&A for Establishing Your Lab's Culture

10:15am - Break

11:30am - Q&A Engaging Others: Part 1

11:40am - Announcements & Recognition & Close-out

11:50am - Lunch

12:30pm - Engaging Others: Part 2

1:40pm - Small Group Breakout Discussions

2:40pm - Final Survey

3:00pm - Adjourn

Pre-Work for Day 3: Reading

Please complete this before April 24, 2024


First read this: 

Article explaining what lab expectations documents should be like

The ‘Welcome Letter’:  A Useful Tool for Laboratories and Teams

J Transl Med Epidemiol. 2014


“Many PIs seem to assume that their expectations about how the lab functions make so much sense that they do not have to spell it out. Consequently, when confronted with lab members who do not meet their expectations they often attribute the problem to the lab member’s personal failings. Unfortunately this can result in loss of trust, miscommunication, and frustration on both sides.”


Then review these examples:

Example Lab Expectations Document #1

Meren Lab


Example Lab Expectations Document #2

Everhart Lab


Example Lab Expectatios Document #3

Puckett Lab


Finally, what are your thoughts about these prompts?

Reference Material for Small Group Discussion 

Handout for Breakout 3 - Leadership Frameworks.pdf
Day 3 Breakout- Participant Instructions.docx

Day 3 Evaluation