Construction Impacts

Last update: September 9, 2024

This page highlights construction and infrastructure projects that will impact shuttle routes, roads, gates, and parking at the Lab’s hill site in the current month. Since construction is a dynamic process and timeline changes are common, the details below may change. 

Please review the details and plan your hill site visits accordingly.

Impact Map

Site Impacts Map

Sept. 12: Lawrence Road single-lane closure near Building 72

When: Thursday, Sept. 12, 6 am to 5 pm


Why: PIMD needed a large enough staging area to drop off equipment that needs to be transported by forklift to Building 72 for a STEM project.

Contact: Steve Filippoff (SMFilippoff@lbl.gov510-424-2771)

Sept. 14-15: Demolition of Buildings 65A and 65B

When: Saturday, Sept. 14 through Sunday, Sept. 15


Why: PIMD is demolishing the buildings to make way for more parking.

Contact: Joe Morgan (,  510-486-4906)

Sept 17: Demolition of Building 62A

When: Tuesday, Sept. 17


Why: PIMD is demolishing the building to make way for more parking.

Contact: Joe Morgan (,  510-486-4906)

Sept. 19: Lawrence Road single-lane closure at Building 23

When: Thursday, Sept. 19, 6 am to 5 pm


Why: The PIM Division is performing a crane lift.

Contact: Sherwin Mendoza (sbmendoza@lbl.gov510-612-6642)

Oct. 1-30: Tree removal activities around Building 88

When: October 1 - 30


Why: Facilities will remove 60+ trees around the perimeter of Building 88 to create a fire-defensible space.

Contact: David Cota (,  510-316-5786)

Oct. 14-19: Power outage Buildings 50, 70, 70A for Transit Hub Utilities Project

For more information: