Mental Health & Well being

Support in school 

You are at school for up to 7 hours a day, 5 days week. It's likely that at some point you will feel the need to talk to someone; no matter how small it may seem, someone will be there to listen and support you. Whether it's the well-being, teachers or other staff members, we are here to listen. Talking about how you feel can decrease stress, make you feel more content and decrease your worries. 

All staff are there to listen, but it may be that they need some support to help you in your situation. This may mean they need to speak to one of the pastoral team for advice or a designated safeguarding lead if they feel you are unsafe. Sometimes we don't want others to know our situation, however if information needs to be passed on it will always be in your best interest and because we want to help. 

We also have a school counsellor who is in once a week for particular students who may need further support. There is usually a waiting list but if you feel you may need this support, come and have a chat with the well-being team. 

Outside Support

If you feel you need to talk to someone when you are at home, you don't want to talk to someone face-to-face or you need some more advice on how you are feeling, there are many services which can help. These include:

Kooth - is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop. 

YoungMinds - provides information and advice for young people, parents and carers. 

Childline - provides help for anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. 0800 1111 

The Mix - is the UK's free, confidential helpline service for young people under 25 who need help, but don't know where to turn. 0808 808 4994 

Prince's Trust - a list of useful support organisations to help improve mental health. 

Amparo   -  provides support for anyone affected by suicide. Support can be provided one-to-one, to family groups, groups of colleagues or peers – whatever is preferred by you and is most appropriate to your situation. 

Young Carers - help improve the lives of Young Carers across Warwickshire by offering free and confidential support. 

Every Mind Matters self care toolkit - There are little things we can all do to look after our mental health. The mental health campaign Every Mind Matters offers a free online action plan, approved by the NHS, that can provide you with personalised, practical tips to help you take care of your mental health. Your plan can help you to deal with stress and anxiety, boost mood, improve sleep quality and take control of your wellbeing.

Support for Leicestershire students

Support may be different if you live in a Leicestershire postcode. Below are some posters which are linked to the services you can access if this applies to you. 16+

Leicestershire support for 16+ 

Self care 

Self-care is a great way to look after your mental health and wellbeing. Sometimes you don't want to talk to someone, or you may just need to "switch off" for an hour or so, and this is where self-care comes in. There are different techniques for self care;  something which works for you may not work for your friend and that's okay! You may stick to one technique or mix them up - this is completely up to you! 

Some examples of self-care techniques are: 

Anything which helps you to relax, gather your emotions and look after yourself is self care! What other activities can you think of? 

This resource walks young people through a series of steps, helping them create a detailed self-care plan that works for them. 

Wilder Wellbeing is a project empowering and supporting people to make positive changes for their wellbeing, local community and for the wildlife 

Kooth Exam Stress Support 

Free online counselling and emotional wellbeing support available to children and young people 12 Noon - 10pm on weekdays and from 6pm-10pm on weekends