Introduction to Pastoral at Lawrence Sheriff


Welcome to the Pastoral site for Lawrence Sheriff School. Here you will find information on how to better your mental and physical health,  what to do if you need to report something, how to stay safe on-line, and other helpful tips on support both in and out of school. 

Every member of staff in school has a pastoral role - we are all here to listen if you need to talk. 

There are specific staff members who carry lead roles in pastoral, these are: 

Mr Chislett - Deputy Headteacher (Designated safeguarding lead)

- Senior Deputy Headteacher (Deputy safeguarding lead)

Mrs Carr - Head of Well-being(Deputy safeguarding lead)

Ms Fox - Well-being Mentor  (Deputy safeguarding lead)

Ms Booth- Well-being Mentor 

Heads of house - Mr Gregory (Wheeler), Mr Wood (Caldecott), Mrs Quartly-Watson (Kent),  Mr Sellers (Tait) and Mr Merrigan  (Simpson)