Bullying: Reporting & Support

Bullying stops here!

All children and young people at Lawrence Sheriff have the right to go about their daily lives without the fear of being threatened, assaulted or harassed. Our aspiration is to establish and maintain a community of mutual tolerance and understanding within which bullying does not occur.

Bullying is when there is a deliberate intention to hurt or humiliate, there is a power imbalance that makes it hard for the victims to defend themselves and it is usually persistent.

Lawrence Sheriff have a zero tolerance approach towards bullying, however, we recognise that as with any human society, there is a danger that bullying will take place. Whenever bullying takes place our aim is to correct the offending behaviour in a swift and lasting manner. Bullying is categorised as a form of peer on peer abuse and should never be tolerated or passed off as “banter”, “just having a laugh” or “part of growing up”

We recognise there are many forms of bullying which broadly fall under the following headings:

  • bullying related to physical appearance.

  • bullying related to physical/mental health conditions.

  • physical bullying.

  • emotional bullying.

  • sexual bullying.

  • bullying via technology, known as online or cyberbullying.

  • prejudicial bullying (against people/pupils with protected characteristics).

Certain groups of pupils/adults are known to be particularly vulnerable to bullying by others: these may include young people :

with special educational needs such as learning or physical disabilities

those with protected characteristics, including those from ethnic and racial minority groups and those young people who are/perceived as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender or questioning their gender role.

There can be a complex relationship between the various types of bullying. Lawrence Sheriff School community recognises that all forms of bullying, especially if left unaddressed, can have a devastating effect on individuals; it can create a barrier to learning and have serious consequences on our mental wellbeing.

By working together to prevent and tackle bullying at Lawrence Sheriff, we can all help to create a safe environment, where young people are able to learn and fulfil their potential.

Anti-Bullying: Report it!

If you are being bullied or you know someone that is being bullied then you must report this to a member of staff. All reports of bullying will be taken seriously and and will be dealt with sensitively.

You can also report any incidents of bullying by emailing report2headofhouse@lawrencesheriffschool.com. All reports are dealt with confidentially.

Pupils who have been bullied will be supported by in many ways and your wishes and feelings will always be listen to and taken into account when determining what action to take and how best we can support you with the situation.

Anti - Bullying alliance - Detailed information for anyone being bullied, along with advice for parents. Signposts to various helplines and websites for further support

Outside Support

Anti - Bullying alliance - Detailed information for anyone being bullied, along with advice for parents. Signposts to various helplines and websites for further support

Childline - provides help for anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. 0800 1111

National Bullying Helpline - The UK’s only charitable organisation addressing Adult Bullying and Child Bullying.

Bullying.co.uk - For general information about bullying.

Anti-bullying week 2020-21

Anti-Bullying Week 2020-21 United Against Bullying official secondary school film