Health Services

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The purpose of this document is to outline La Vega ISD's reopening of campuses after the COVID-19 pandemic and school guidelines throughout the year. These guidelines are aligned with the CDC and have been carefully considered to address and promote the safety, health, and welfare of our community.

While apart, we have been planning to ensure that when we come together again, you will know how we will protect the safety of our students and staff. Our buildings are sanitized daily and all who enter the doors of our buildings will wear a mask and be screened for COVID-19 symptoms. Students or staff complaining of symptoms will be assessed by a school nurse. If needed, those students are isolated from other students.We will need your help. If you receive a call from the school nurse, please come and pick up your child immediately. In the event that someone in the building has tested positive La Vega ISD will consult with the McLennan County Health District to proceed with CDC protocols. Our commitment to you is to be diligent in maintaining the safety of all. Thank you for your support.


All will be screened anytime they enter a building by the school nurse, principal or designess.

  • If a student complains If a student complains of common symptoms Nurse is contacted and will come to the student.

  • Nurses will be mobile, dispensing meds by class

  • Nurses will have communication device at all times in the event of an emergency call needs to be made or received

If a child becomes ill at school:

  1. Nurse assesses risk and places student in holding area (as ventilated as possible) and away from others.

  2. Parents/staff will be contacted by Principal.

  3. If a parent cannot be reached, campus or district personnel may go to the home to reach the parent.

Campus COVID-19 protocols:

  • Holding place for symptomatic student until parent arrives

  • Send symptomatic staff home

  • Contact custodial department

Contract Tracing

Principal / Campus Designee / District Director will initiate campus team to determine:

  1. Who else was around?

  2. Where did the student/staff travel in the building?

  3. Where will others in close proximity be temporarily relocated?

  4. Parents / Community will be notified of possible infection and identify next steps.

Sanitation Protocols

Custodial staff will deploy COVID-19 sanitation outlined by CDC.

In case of contact with an individual testing positive, staff and students will be relocated until the area has been disinfected.

Return to School/Work with No Further Symptoms:

  • If fever-free without fever reducing medicine for 72 hours, Person Under Investigation (PUI) may return to school/work unless cleared by a physician to return sooner.

  • Upon returning, the staff/student must see the school nurse to document the return.

  • If fever-free without fever reducing medicine for 72 hours, but other COVID-19 symptoms continue to persist, i.e. cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, headache, or sore throat, follow CDC guidelines.

  • The staff/student will be excluded from school until provided medical clearance from the physician.

Confirmed COVID-19:

  1. Staff/student must have written clearance from the doctor to return to work after quarantine and check in with the nurse upon entry for record-keeping purposes.

  2. Asst. Superintendent for Human Resources and/or Superintendent will:

    1. Assess risk

    2. Potential dismissal to determine next steps in consultation with McLennan County Health District.