Lesson 3:

How do I view course materials on Schoology?

Pages are resources containing text, images, videos, HTML, or any combination of these elements created by your instructor to supplement the course.

By default, students must click into a Page to view its content. However, instructors have the option to display a Page inline, so that its contents are expanded and visible from the Materials page or from the folder level, without having to click on the Page.

How do I submit assignments on Schoology?

  • From within the Assignment, click Submit Assignment.

  • Use the Add a Comment area for questions and concerns (optional).

  • Select one of these options:

    1. Upload: Select a file from your computer.

    2. Create: Create a document on the web using the text editor.

    3. Resources: Select a file from your Resources.

  • Click Submit to finish.

How do I submit assignments on Google Classroom?

Click on the assignment you would like to submit. Make sure you click on "View Assignment" to fully see the assignment. On the top-right of each assignment will have buttons like the ones pictured.

Click "Add or create" to add a file OR create a file for your assignment. Once a file is added, the "mark as done" button will change to "turn in."

Click "mark as done" OR "turn in" once you have completed the assignment.

For more detailed instructions specific to different assignment types and devices, please click on the following Classroom Help article: Turn in an assignment.

After submitting an assignment, I realized I made a mistake, can I still fix it?

If the assignment has NOT been graded and the system allows you to "unsubmit," unsubmit the assignment, fix your mistake, and resubmit.

If the assignment has been graded, contact your teacher.