
Honors Physiology

11th & 12th graders

Physio Ms. Navarro

Honors Physiology in this class we focus on:

  • Asking Questions about various phenomena to help us understand the human body systems

  • Develop Models of how body systems work together to maintain stable conditions

  • Communicate information by sharing or learning and reflecting on the journey.

Student Work

Digital Portfolios

Each unit students choose a phenomena they are interested in. Based on their phenomena they create their own essential question- and outline what they must learn in order to understand their phenomena. As we learn about the content- they create their own understanding of how their phenomena affects the body.

Students culminate the unit by creating a showcase of what they have learned as well as reflect on the process.

Digital Portfolio #1

Digital Portfolio #2

Digital Portfolio #3

Health PSA

How can physiology students utilize their learning to make a positive impact in the community?

Ethnicity & the cardiovascular system

Let's introduce Fresh Produce PSA

Diabetes & the heart

Diabetes & the heart

Dieting- a terrible way to be healthy
