Immunization Requirements in the School

Immunization Requirements

Please use the attached documents to see what immunizations your child needs for school.  

(Click on the green button to access "Immunization Requirements" 

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Your child can submit their immunization documentation to the school nurse either in person or via email or fax from their doctor's office.


If your child is entering the 7th grade, they were required to complete a physical for 6th grade the year prior. 6th-grade students should have Tdap and meningitis vaccines documented with their 6th-grade physical exams. These vaccinations are required for entry into the 7th grade

If your student is entering the 12th grade, they must have a physical in their 11th grade year. 1th-grade physicals address the 2nd meningitis vaccine required for entry into grade 12. 

If your child did not receive the above vaccinations at their physicals, the document attached shows the immunizations required for their school year.