T-Level Media Broadcast & Production

Qualification aims and objectives

The purpose of the Media, Broadcast and Production qualification is to ensure students have the knowledge and skills needed to progress into highly skilled employment, an apprenticeship or higher-level study, including university, within the specialist area of media and production. The two-year course has been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares learners for work. As part of this qualification there is a minimum expectation of 315 hours industry placement alongside lessons across the two years. 80% of the time will be in learning content with 20% practical hands-on experience in the workplace. 

Course outline

On completion of this Core content, learners will have knowledge and understanding in the following areas:

Students undertaking the T Level Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production will also complete one of creative media technician, events and venue technician or content creation and production. 


Assessment consists of two externally set exams covering knowledge from the course core content, one employer-set project covering knowledge and skills from this course and one occupational specialism assessment that will feature a considerable practical element and is composed of a series of holistic practical tasks relating to the specialism topic they have studied. 

Future courses & possible careers

Entry requirements

Minimum of 5 9-5 grades in GCSE examinations including English and Maths


T-Levels Faculty