Weekly Bulletin

Module 6: Week 2 - 17th June 2023

Be Inquisitive - Be Resilient - Be Respectful - Be Kind

Principal's Message

Mr Jon Richardson - Principal

Dear parents/carers,

Another extremely busy week draws to a close within the academy, this week we have had a trip to Thorpe Park (more to follow), Year 12 mock examinations as well as the continuing extensive schedule of external examinations for our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils. 

As our external examination programme starts to conclude, we must congratulate our pupils for their incredible work rate, resilience, determination and focus throughout. To have managed the pressures of multiple examinations in one day is extremely challenging, but also the endurance to remain focused for nearly 5 school weeks has been incredible. Some of the examinations are extremely long in time but our pupils have remained focused and worked so hard, they have been an absolute credit. 

May I take this opportunity to thank you as parents/carers for your support with the examination process, we all know that working together in partnership enables our pupils to be successful. We must also pass our huge thanks onto the staff within the academy, from teaching staff to support staff, every staff member has played a pivotal role in ensuring pupils were able to complete their examinations in such a successful fashion.

This year we have implemented a 'special goodbye' for our Year 11 pupils, as they truly deserve it! As they finished their science examination this morning, they walked to the Restaurant and were congratulated by the whole school. Over 1000 pupils created a 'guard of honour' for our Year 11 pupils as they walked to the MUGA for shirt signing and an opportunity to say 'goodbye' and 'thank you'. An incredible atmosphere was created, with all pupils and staff enjoying the moments to share together before they departed, or for some back to geography revision before their examination this afternoon. A fantastic moment, and well deserved. We wish all of our Year 11 pupils all the very best, and hope to see many back within Year 12 in September. 

Last week we welcomed Mr Piggott to the academy as Vice Principal and Head of College for Hercules. Mr Piggott joins from The Leigh Academy in Dartford and has a proven track record and strong experience within school leadership. Mr Piggott has settled in seamlessly to the academy after an extensive transitional period during module 6. 

Next week we will implement a morning line up, a letter has been shared with parents/carers today with all the details. This is an excellent opportunity for all of our pupils to commence their day in such a positive light. Please see the letter for finer details.

Have an excellent weekend, fingers crossed that the good weather continues... and please ensure if you have a child in Year 10 they are set and ready for their mock examinations starting on Monday. Good luck to all!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr J Richardson


Last Chance to meet the SLT!

We value the opinion of all our stakeholders and if you want your opinion heard please come in and meet the team. 

At this meeting we will be discussing a range of key points, your input in each area will shape how the academy moves forwards and develops over time. 

Agenda items for discussion

If you would like to join our next event please sign up using the link below. 

Click here: Meet the SLT 20.06.23 (09.00-10.00)

Your Opinion Matters

As an academy we value the feedback of our parents to help us understand what is working well and where we can make improvement. With this in mind as we start to consider our preparations for September, we need to reflect on the positives and areas for development across the academy. Parental engagement has a significant impact on the progress of pupils and the development of the academy as a whole and this survey will directly impact the Strood 2028 vision for excellence. 

We would now like to invite you to take part in this module's parents’ survey. The Survey will be open until Friday 7th July. 

We are using the sort of questions that Ofsted poses when it conducts inspections as well as a few specific questions that help us to understand your wider views about the school. From this feedback we can then review and reshape how we as an academy support the community that we serve. 

We really value your feedback but we understand your time is precious so thank you in advance for participating.

Staff Shoutout!

Penny Monk and all the TAs supporting the examination process.  Thanks to you all the exams ran efficiently and smoothly and our students along with their parents appreciated all your support.

Thorpe park - Year 7 Trafalgar students

Information for the Trafalgar pupils that are attending the Thorpe Park Trip. 

The itinerary is as follows:

7:45am Meet at school

8:00am Depart from Strood Academy

10:00am (approx.) Arrival at Thorpe Park

10:30am TED Talk Workshop

11:00am Exploration of Park

1:00pm Meet for Lunch

5:00pm Departure from Thorpe Park

6:30pm (approx.) Arrival at Strood Academy

Students should arrive at Strood Academy by 7:30am and use the main reception and report to the Sports Hall.  We are looking to leave promptly at 7:45am to avoid any congestion on the roads.

Students will have the opportunity to explore the different rides. They will be able to explore the park in small groups. A staff contact number will be distributed should any student become separated. We will be travelling by a coach to Thorpe Park and back. 

What your child needs to wear and bring

Students will only need money if they wish to purchase from the shops or food facilities at the park.

District Athletics

The pe department are taking 36 boys and girls from all year groups to take park in the annual Medway District Athletics Tournament. 

The event will take place at Medway Athletic Park on Thursday 22nd June and will host over 15 different schools. All school will be competing in a range of events. 

We wish all our competitors good luck as they represent the academy. 

Line Ups - Routine 1 @ Strood Academy

At Strood Academy we want to ensure we give all of our students the very best start to the day and the very best opportunity to be ready and prepared for their learning. As of Tuesday 20th June we are introducing college line ups from 8:30am each morning. Students need to be on site before 8:30am and congregate in their college areas ready for the first whistle. This is a great opportunity each and every day to ensure all of our students are dressed in full correct uniform, and ready for the day ahead. We will have college notices and updates to ensure students are fully aware of the day's events and recognition awards each morning to reward the positive engagement we witness on a daily basis from our students around the academy.  

Please ensure you support your child to make the best start by being fully equipped for school including a school bag and all essential school items. Followed by a full school uniform. 

Year 11 

Year 11 Super Voucher Giveaway

When students are not in an exam or a revision session, they must attend their normal lessons. It is important that your child takes advantage of every opportunity afforded to them. Departments are working hard to ensure a targeted and bespoke revision programme to support and motivate year 11 as we continue to push them right to the end.

Year 11 students have been working hard following the Finishing Timetable over the last 3 weeks and have 1 more exams week to go. 

To reward their attendance, effort and resilience with their revision and exams, we are having a Super Voucher Giveaway!

In order to win a raffle ticket they need to:

Students receive negative points for obtaining sanctions. Infractions such as receiving suspensions,  being removed from class, being late, having mobile phones and or AirPods visible at school etc.

Those who make it to the end of the Finishing Timetable and receive a raffle ticket will get the chance to win a variety of vouchers. 

Prizes are below:

Plus lots of other prizes to be won!

Today was the last full cohort exam for our year 11 students. This marked an end of an era for the school and an important milestone for these young adults. To celebrate this momentous occasion with them the entire academy community waited outside the canteen forming a Guard of Honor for them. This surprise was well received with year 11 students being clapped all the way from the hall down to the tennis courts. Once in the tennis courts, students were able to take part in traditions such as shirt signing and staff came down to say goodbye.

We are so proud of our year 11 students. Not only for their hard work but also for the young people we have watched grow and know they will become. 

Good Luck Year 11 - See you at Prom - Friday 7th July 2023 - Ticket entry only. 

Please watch out for Parentmails about Prom

Year 11 Catering revision and Exam

6th Form Induction Days

for year 11

The 6th form team are looking forward to welcoming the current year 11 students to the induction days which are on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th June. If your child has accepted a conditional offer from the 6th form then you will have received further correspondance this week, via email, with the specific timings of the day and the schedule. If you have yet to confirm your child's attendance to the induction days then please email info@stroodacademy.org and they will be added to the attendance list.

Key Stage 5

It is lovely to finally have some summer weather and we appreciate how warm the days have been. However, a polite reminder for the 6th form students to continue to adhere to the dress code. If students attend school in clothing which does not follow the dress code then they may be asked to go home to change and return to school. The dress code has been attached at the end of the key stage 5 messages.

Year 13s continue to impress the staff with their hard work and resilience towards their exams; the last exam is on Friday 23rd June and we continue to wish the students the best of luck. Once students have completed their final exam and coursework they need to hand in their chromebooks, with the charger, to Mr Moore or reception and inform Ms Hancock. 


Attendance is really important for the well being and progress of all. It is imperative that all students attend school every day to give them the best opportunity to be successful. If students are feeling slightly unwell, please make the effort to attend school. When students attend school they normally find that they feel better, if students do not improve we will assess the student and if we feel there is a need we will call home.

If there is an absence please contact attendance@Stroodacademy.org and attach your medical evidence.

National data

The data shows that the attendance rate across the academic year to date was 92.6%. The absence rate was, therefore, 7.4% across all schools. 

We are sitting slightly below this and require a big push in the final weeks of term to achieve the national attendance rate. https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/pupil-attendance-in-schools

Holidays in term time

You have to get permission from the head teacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time. You can only do this if:

It’s up to the head teacher how many days your child can be away from school if leave is granted.

Year 11                                                                                                                                                                            

 A special mention needs to go the year 11s who are attending their year 11 GCSE exam. Most students continue to attend revision clubs in the morning, before exams and after school keep up the good work and remember what you put in is what you get out.

Important information

Reminder you can be fined for taking your child on holiday during term time without the school’s permission. 

Important Fact

90% attendance means that your child is absent from lessons for the equivalent of one half day every week. Over five years this is the equivalent of about one half of a school year. 

Year 10 Mock Examinations

Next week year 10 will start the journey towards year 11, they will embark on 2 weeks of mock giving them an opportunity to experience examination condition. 

To support you child we have put together a full intervention programme where pupils can have the support of their subject teacher prior to their exam. The sessions are aimed to support the pupils and give them the best opportunity to achieve their full potential. 

Below is a full timetable of the 2 weeks. 

Morning Master classes will run from 8.00 - 8.30 before pupils will be sent to College line up. The afternoon intervention classes will run from 3.20 to 4.00. 

If you have any questions regarding mock examinations please contact the school. 

Exam Routines

Students expectations

- ALL students have an exam timetable

- Seating numbers displayed in Dance/Drama corridor.

- Year 10 attend whole school line up

- Year 10 Line up IN SILENCE in courtyard (Hercules College Line up area)

- All Prohibited items removed (phones, smart watches, bottles with labels, any other electronic devices) 

- Year 10 dismissed in silence to Exam Hall by College/Tutor Group

- Students bags & belongings put into Dance/Drama Changing rooms in silence

- Separate 'cloakroom' system available for Phones

- Year 10 enter exam hall/room in silence and make their way to seats and sit in silence

- Exam entry (Higher/Foundation) details checked, listen to exam instruction read out by staff before exam starts














Victory let's be Victorious



Pride Week

This month is pride month! Here are the basics of how you can support your child with all things LGBTQ+

Year 7 Art

Students in Year 7 explored observational drawing techniques in Art to help boost their skills, confidence, and risk taking ability. 

The students were challenged to complete a series of oyster shell drawings in pen, using their non-dominant hands, continuous line, and in a 3 minute time limit! 

The students took the challenge in their stride and developed some excellent outcomes. Miss Walker is extremely proud of the class and their enthusiasm .

Well done, 7H1!

Key dates

19th June to 30th June 2023 - Year 10 Mock Examinations

20th June 2023 - Meet the SLT

Week Beginning 03.07.23 - Year 6 Transition

Week Beginning 03.07.23 - Geography Field Trip

10th July 2023 - LAT Sports Day  Year 7 and 8

11th July 2023 - LAT Sports Day  Year 9 and 10

13th July 2023 - Strood Academy Sports Day

Strood Academy - Key Priorities

The academy have set the following key priorities for module 5 and 6. This is to allow a clear strategic planning and implementation on improvement throughout the academy. These key priorities will be used to measure the progress within the academy and allow all stakeholders to be aware of what is happening within the academy. 

The key priorities are as follows;

Module 6 Uniform

Our uniform expectations for module 6 have been adapted. Blazers are optional due to the increased temperatures forecasted for June. However please ensure that all other uniform expectations are adhered to as we continue with our high expectations (please see uniform expectations below)

Uniform expectations

Behaviour expectations and relocation of the behaviour for learning room 

"The Lodge"

At Strood Academy, we are focused on ensuring that all students have lessons that are free from disruption. We realise that creating a positive climate for learning is a responsibility shared by leaders, teachers, parents and pupils’. We have a consistent approach to managing disruptive students so that we as staff and you as parents can reinforce expectations successfully. It is imperative that all students have access to disruption free learning. Our behaviour protocols for managing behaviour are there for a very small minority of students who may cause disruption. We want to reiterate that the majority of our students do work extremely hard in lessons and want to be successful. 

In striving towards excellence, we will be making some changes to our behaviour protocols in term 6. Below is an outline of these changes that will begin on Monday 5th June, straight after the half term break:

Removal from lessons (students are placed in the internal engagement room).

As you are aware we have the three R approach to behaviour in lessons: Remind, Reinforce and Remove. Students are given the opportunity to correct their behaviours before they are removed from the lesson. To continue with consistency and to ensure that all students are receiving the same sanction for a removal, we will be making a few changes :

Thank you for your continued support.

Technology in school

All mobile phones and headphones must not been seen on school ground , these must remain out of sight and switched off. This decision was taken for a number of well-considered and well-researched reasons: 

We at the academy appreciate that communication with your child is important and therefore please be assured if you need to contact them urgently you can do so via the school main reception on 01634 717121 and the message will be passed through the pastoral team to your child.

Below are the key processes that have been shared with all pupils about the expectation and the consequences in relation to the use of technology in school. 
