Weekly Bulletin

Module 6: Week 4 - 30th June 2023

Be Inquisitive - Be Resilient - Be Respectful - Be Kind

Principal's Message

Mr Jon Richardson - Principal

Dear parents/carers,

This week has been another excellent week for us all within the academy. We have now started to embed our morning line up which has seen our uniform standards increase rapidly. Our pupils are so smart each morning and prepared for learning which is great to see. Our morning line up has also allowed for celebrations and positive recognition, to see our pupils congratulated in front of their college has been a really lovely moment each morning. Well done to all for receiving badges. 

Next week there are two strike days taking place, Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July. Please find the letter attached below for all details. 


Over the next few weeks within the academy we will be launching our revised assembly programme, our assemblies will now be taking place within colleges rather than year groups and being led by the college leadership teams. We are going to ensure that the weekly assembly becomes formalised and a very important event within the week. Pupils will be explicitly taught the range of expectations of how we expect this to be conducted to ensure clarity for all, but we are confident they will continue to rise to the high expectations set.

Coming up we also have Sports Day taking place on Thursday 13th July, the PE Department are busy ensuring that this day is going to be an incredible event for all. Further details will be shared with you in regard to this annual event. 

We are also eagerly awaiting our visit from our new year 7 pupils who will be joining us in September, they will be visiting us for the day on Thursday 6th July. We are certainly looking forward to them joining the Strood Academy family!

From September 2023 we will be introducing a new school day, the start and finish times will remain the same. Pupils will be expected to arrive at the academy by 8:30 and will be dismissed at 3:20 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) and 2:00 on Wednesday. The timings of the day will be altered to maximise learning and embed stronger routines for our children. We have taken on feedback from our staff and pupils and agreed with the below timings. We will be moving to a whole academy lunch, to support this our Year 7 and Year 8 pupils will be dismissed earlier to ensure they can access the lunch in the Restaurant first. To support our longer lunch break we will be holding a number of enrichment clubs but also opening up a range of other facilities for pupils including our astro turf pitch.  Our new academy day also enables us to teach a lesson of personal development for all pupils and year groups taking place on a Wednesday during period 5. You can also see below that we are replacing 'tutor time' with 'period 1' where we will be completing our morning line up and assemblies as well as other curriculum related aspects. 

As always, thank you for your continued support. We know that working in partnership is essential for the future success of your child. 

Have a restful weekend.


Jon Richardson 

Your Opinion Matters

As an academy we value the feedback of our parents to help us understand what is working well and where we can make improvement. With this in mind as we start to consider our preparations for September, we need to reflect on the positives and areas for development across the academy. Parental engagement has a significant impact on the progress of pupils and the development of the academy as a whole and this survey will directly impact the Strood 2028 vision for excellence. 

We would now like to invite you to take part in this module's parents’ survey. The Survey will be open until Friday 7th July. 

We are using the sort of questions that Ofsted poses when it conducts inspections as well as a few specific questions that help us to understand your wider views about the school. From this feedback we can then review and reshape how we as an academy support the community that we serve. 

We really value your feedback but we understand your time is precious so thank you in advance for participating.

Click Here

National Online Safety 

Students in this current time are much more exposed to technology than previous generations, both inside of the classroom and outside of the classroom. The Leigh Academies Trust has subscribed to the National Online Safety platform in order to empower all members of the community with the knowledge to keep our children safe, including staff, students and parents and carers. 

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know that all parents of students at the academy are welcome to create their own parent account and access a wide range of resources and information around supporting our young people with staying safe online. 

Please go to https://nationalonlinesafety.com/enrol/strood-academy and register here. 

I would particularly like to promote the two courses below (depending on the age of your child), however there is a wealth of information for you to engage with as you choose. Annual Certificate in Online Safety for Parents & Carers of Children aged 14-18 Annual Certificate in Online Safety for Parents & Carers of Children aged 11-14 If you have any questions around this please do contact the academy and we will be happy to assist you.

School Uniform Shop

Summer ordering deadline for parents to receive their uniform order is fast approaching!


Please can we remind all parents to place their orders as soon as possible  - the shop is expecting to be incredibly busy this summer and will not be able to facilitate any late orders. To avoid all disappoint please order quickly. 





Click here to see Strood Academy Uniform

Staff Shoutout!

Thank you to all staff who supported the Year 10 Mock exams these past two weeks. 

Staff have used their free time to help invigilate students during this period of time, providing our Year 10 students with the calm, quiet space needed to be able to prove their excellent efforts this year. 

Year 11 Leavers Prom - Class of 2023

Location: The Corn Exchange Rochester

Time: 7:00pm - 10:30pm

Theme: Masquerade Ball - Colour scheme - Black Red and Gold

Dress code: Black tie (Formal Suits/Tuxes and Dresses)

Food and Drink: Party food and Pizzas will be provided. Non-alcoholic drinks can be purchased all night from the bar. 

Tickets can still be purchased for £25 on Parent Pay until Friday 30th June. If you are having problems with the parent pay please contact info@stroodacademy.org. Please keep a look out for parentmails next week which will give more details about the evening. 

Year 11 Prom Super Voucher Giveaway

For those students who over the exam period: 

Upon entry to Prom they will receive a raffle ticket giving them the chance to win a variety of vouchers. 

Prizes are below:

Plus lots of other prizes to be won!

Year 10

Mock Exam Catch Up 

Year 10 have now completed 2 weeks of mock examinations, providing them with the opportunity to experience examinations in a formal manner in preparation for their external examinations next summer. 

Catch Up Timetable

Next week we are holding our catch up examinations for pupils that were absent. We acknowledge the importance of students completing these exams as the data collected will help their teachers, replan and redevelop the curriculum based on the needs of the students. In addition, please provide structured revision time to support their academic progress. Below is the timetable for next week. 

Please note that we will be running our intervention programme for all year 10 until the end of the academic year. Attendance at these intervention sessions is highly recommended as they will support addressing gaps in knowledge and extend students academic potential. 

Results Evening

Once all examinations are completed and staff have moderated students' papers, we would like to invite you to our results evening on Monday 17th July. 

This Results Evening is an important event where we will be sharing your child's recent examination results, discussing their academic progress, and providing valuable insights into their future academic journey. It is an opportunity for you to better understand your child's achievements, gain insights into their strengths and areas for improvement, and discuss any concerns you may have with  teachers and school leaders. 

We strongly encourage both parents and child to attend this event to ensure a holistic understanding of your child's educational journey and to foster a strong partnership between home and school. By working together, we can provide the best support and guidance to help your child reach their full potential.

Key Stage 5

6th Form Induction Days

for year 11

Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th were the induction days for our new year 12s. It was lovely to see so many familiar, and new, faces join us for the two days. The students took part in numerous taster sessions where they got to discuss philosophical debates, literature, and  global politics; some sessions were more practical with students dissecting a locust in Biology, and creating a mini film in Film Studies.  Students also heard from Lloyds Banking Group about their numerous apprenticeships and the many careers on offer within this company. Lloyds were incredibly impressed with our students and said: 'I’m pleased the students found the chat useful and informative and continued to talk about what they heard. I definitely felt the energy increase when the question about salary was answered! Maybe in future, we should lead with that…Having Abigail and Philip there to share their apprenticeship journeys definitely helped the conversation. I have been in to academies before to talk about LBG careers and the attendance and participation didn’t compare to your academy. It was also great to have student questions ranging from flexible working, pay, locations and levels of apprenticeships. Always good to get questions because you know they’re engaged and listening.'

Greenwich university provided a mythbuster talk - dispelling the misconceptions and myths that some young people have about university. Again, the students showed great interest and asked questions ranging from how to get a PHD in Psychology to student loans. 

It is not too late to apply for the Strood Academy 6th Form; if your child has already submitted an application, then they need to check their school email to accept the conditional offer. If your child has not completed the application form, then there is still time: 6th form application. For further details, or questions, please contact the school info@stroodacademy.org 

We now look forward to seeing the students on GCSE results day, where they can enrol to the 6th form. Further information on this will be communicated to all parents. 

3D Design transition day 

The new sixth form students were involved in the 3D Design transition day and created some lovely laser cut sculptures. By using different colours, shapes and angles they produced a range of amazing designs in a short session” 


Intermediate Biology Olympiad

Over 14,000 students from over 700 schools worldwide participated in the Intermediate Biology Olympiad held between 7-14 June this year.

 It's a great achievement for us to have eleven Yr 12 students taking part. Carolina Reis and Sophia Parry deserve special recognition for being commended in the competition. 



On Wednesday 28th June, it was revealed that two members of Strood Academy had won an external art competition they had entered some weeks previously for Chatham Bowl - Jack F in year 9 and Ms Stubbs (DT Teacher). The competition was part of the #InResidence programme aimed at linking local artists and businesses to collaborate on creating interesting promotional materials. 

Both Jack and Ms Stubbs put forward the winning designs for Chatham Bowl and two huge bowling pins have been created and placed at the stairs in the Pentagon Centre in Chatham, both winning some free bowling for themselves. These are intended to stay on site for at least a couple of months but with the view to become permanent fixtures. 

Go take a look and get a selfie with them...! 


Attendance is really important for the well being and progress of all. It is imperative that all students attend school every day to give them the best opportunity to be successful. If students are feeling slightly unwell, please make the effort to attend school. When students attend school they normally find that they feel better, if students do not improve we will assess the student and if we feel there is a need we will call home.

If there is an absence please contact attendance@Stroodacademy.org and attach your medical evidence.

National data

The data shows that the attendance rate across the academic year to date was 92.6%. The absence rate was, therefore, 7.4% across all schools. 

We are sitting slightly below this and require a big push in the final weeks of term to achieve the national attendance rate. https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/pupil-attendance-in-schools

Important information

Reminder you can be fined for taking your child on holiday during term time without the school’s permission. 

Important Fact

90% attendance means that your child is absent from lessons for the equivalent of one half day every week. Over five years this is the equivalent of about one half of a school year. 














Victory let's be Victorious



Key dates

Week Beginning 03.07.23 - Year 6 Transition

Week Beginning 03.07.23 - Geography Field Trip

10th July 2023 - LAT Sports Day  Year 7 and 8

11th July 2023 - LAT Sports Day  Year 9 and 10

13th July 2023 - Strood Academy Sports Day

17th July 2023 - Year 10 Exam Results Evening 

Line Ups - Routine 1 @ Strood Academy

As mentioned in last week's bulletin, we have introduced a morning college line up to support students in being prepared for their learning, making their time in school feel safe, calm and predictable. We thank parents for their continued support and pupils for their positive engagement. Our pupils have once again shown when we raise our expectations of them and what they can achieve they rise to the challenge each and every time. 

It has been brilliant to see students beam with pride as they're celebrated and congratulated by their entire college as they collect their college badges for rewards achieved, fantastic attendance or general recognition/shout outs. 

Below are some clear and concise reminders for parents and pupils to ensure you are prepared for school each and every day. 

Uniform expectations

Have a great weekend. 

Mr M Piggott 

Vice Principal

Strood Academy - Key Priorities

The academy have set the following key priorities for module 5 and 6. This is to allow a clear strategic planning and implementation on improvement throughout the academy. These key priorities will be used to measure the progress within the academy and allow all stakeholders to be aware of what is happening within the academy. 

The key priorities are as follows;

Module 6 Uniform

Our uniform expectations for module 6 have been adapted. Blazers are optional due to the increased temperatures forecasted for June. However please ensure that all other uniform expectations are adhered to as we continue with our high expectations (please see uniform expectations below)

Uniform expectations

Technology in school

All mobile phones and headphones must not been seen on school ground , these must remain out of sight and switched off. This decision was taken for a number of well-considered and well-researched reasons: 

We at the academy appreciate that communication with your child is important and therefore please be assured if you need to contact them urgently you can do so via the school main reception on 01634 717121 and the message will be passed through the pastoral team to your child.

Below are the key processes that have been shared with all pupils about the expectation and the consequences in relation to the use of technology in school. 
