Weekly Bulletin

Module 6: Week 1 - 10th June 2023

Be Inquisitive - Be Resilient - Be Respectful - Be Kind

Principal's Message

Mr Jon Richardson - Principal

Dear parents/carers,

A fantastic first week back. With Year 11 and Year 13 pupils continuing with their external examinations as well as Year 12 mocks taking place. As pupils settle back into the academy routine for module 6 we ensure that pupils are meeting our high expectations daily. 

Throughout this term we will be completing end of year assessments for all pupils to get a thorough and detailed understanding of your child's attainment and achievement this academic year, this will then support our teaching staff in preparation lessons and curriculum plans for the new year. 

This term we also have a number of trips and other opportunities for our pupils. We recognise that the summer term brings the closure of a school year but we must also ensure we are using each school day to stretch, challenge and expertly teach your child to enable further progress. 

Our Year 11 parents will receive a daily update over the next week or so as examinations draw to a close, we will provide you with all the details required. Please ensure your child has a spare white shirt ready for signing when the time comes! We hope to be able to celebrate this achievement with all staff and Year 11 pupils. May I also take this opportunity to remind Year 11 pupils to donate and return any uniform that is no longer required. As you may be aware, we give many of our pupils spare uniforms that can be used again, many of our families are grateful for this. Please look out for further information each day. 

May I wish you a restful weekend, I know our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils will be busy revising and preparing for furhter examinations next week but please do find the time to rest as well.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr J Richardson


1 week left till our Meet The SLT Event

We value the opinion of all our stakeholders and if you want your opinion heard please come in and meet the team. 

At this meeting we will be discussing a range of key points, your input in each area will shape how the academy moves forwards and develops over time. 

Agenda items for discussion

If you would like to join our next event please sign up using the link below. 

Click here: Meet the SLT 20.06.23 (09.00-10.00)

Staff Shoutout!

A huge thank you to the PE Department this week. Staff have given up additional hours to ensure that external moderation was completed. Both Exam boards at year 13 and 11 have given the team a expectational report and expressed how impressive the pupil work has been. 

Well done to the team, now on to Sports day! 

Thorpe park - Year 7 Hercules students

Information for the 45 hercules pupils that are attending the Thorpe Park Trip. 

The itinerary is as follows:

7:45am Meet at school

8:00am Depart from Strood Academy

10:00am (approx.) Arrival at Thorpe Park

10:30am TED Talk Workshop

11:00am Exploration of Park

1:00pm Meet for Lunch

5:00pm Departure from Thorpe Park

6:30pm (approx.) Arrival at Strood Academy

Students should arrive at Strood Academy by 7:30am and use the main reception and report to the Sports Hall.  We are looking to leave promptly at 7:45am to avoid any congestion on the roads.

Students will have the opportunity to explore the different rides. They will be able to explore the park in small groups. A staff contact number will be distributed should any student become separated. We will be travelling by a coach to Thorpe Park and back. 

What your child needs to wear and bring

Students will only need money if they wish to purchase from the shops or food facilities at the park.

Year 11 

 Collection of Chromebooks Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th June

Collection Procedure: Students are required to bring in their Chromebooks and Chargers on Monday and Tuesday of next week. During period 3 and form time, the college teams will visit lessons to collect the Chromebooks.

Please note that it is important to return all components provided at the time of issuance, including the Chromebook, charger, and any accompanying accessories. In the event that any component is missing or damaged, appropriate charges will be applied to cover the cost of replacement or repair.

If your child is planning to continue their studies at our school in the coming academic year, they will be issued with a new Chromebook at the start of the term.

Finishing timetable

Click below to see the Finishing Timetable for the final week of exams

Year 11 Super Voucher Giveaway

When students are not in an exam or a revision session, they must attend their normal lessons. It is important that your child takes advantage of every opportunity afforded to them. Departments are working hard to ensure a targeted and bespoke revision programme to support and motivate year 11 as we continue to push them right to the end.

Year 11 students have been working hard following the Finishing Timetable over the last 3 weeks and have 1 more exams week to go. 

To reward their attendance, effort and resilience with their revision and exams, we are having a Super Voucher Giveaway!

In order to win a raffle ticket they need to:

Students receive negative points for obtaining sanctions. Infractions such as receiving suspensions,  being removed from class, being late, having mobile phones and or AirPods visible at school etc.

Those who make it to the end of the Finishing Timetable and receive a raffle ticket will get the chance to win a variety of vouchers. 

Prizes are below:

Plus lots of other prizes to be won!

Apply for our 6th form here


Attendance is really important for the well being and progress of all. It is imperative that all students attend school every day to give them the best opportunity to be successful. If students are feeling slightly unwell, please make the effort to attend school. When students attend school they normally find that they feel better, if students do not improve we will assess the student and if we feel there is a need we will call home.

If there is an absence please contact attenance@Stroodacademy.org and attach your medical evidence.

National data

The data shows that the attendance rate across the academic year to date was 92.6%. The absence rate was, therefore, 7.4% across all schools. 

We are sitting slightly below this and require a big push in the final weeks of term to achieve the national attendance rate.

Holidays in term time                                                                                                                                                  You have to get permission from the head teacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time. You can only do this if:

It’s up to the head teacher how many days your child can be away from school if leave is granted.

Reminder You can be fined for taking your child on holiday during term time without the school’s permission. 

Year 11                                                                                                                                                                            

 A special mention needs to go the year 11s who are attending their year 11 GCSE exam. Most students continue to attend revision clubs in the morning, before exams and after school keep up the good work and remember what you put in is what you get out.

Important Fact

90% attendance means that your child is absent from lessons for the equivalent of one half day every week. Over five years this is the equivalent of about one half of a school year. 

Year 10 Mock Examinations

As we approach the end of the academic year, I would like to inform you that Year 10 students will undertake ‘Mock Exams’ across the curriculum subjects. The Mock Examinations will take place in Module 6 between the 20th & 30th June. The Mock Examinations will be conducted in the exam hall and are designed to further prepare all students for their GCSE examinations. Please take a moment to review the Mock Examination Timetable below. Students will be issued with their own versions closer to the Mock Examination Series.

Our students will experience examinations as close to the real experience as possible. Students will receive an assembly prior to the exams which will outline the expectations. Examination papers will then be marked, moderated and the scores collated. The Mock Results will then be shared with students and parents in our reports on the 14th July. The results will provide students with a clear indication of their examination grades. The mock data will then be used to set target grades and plan the Year 11 curriculum with opportunities to exceed these targets. The current grades can also be used to inform POST-16 decisions as students begin the application process for 6th Form, College courses and Apprenticeship placements.














Victory let's be Victorious



Wading in to our local River

Students in Year 7 are starting a new topic associated with our local River Medway.

As part of introducing this topic our students waded in to the deep end by trying on the must-have fashion accessory of the season which also keeps your feet dry when needing to study.

Students are studying Rivers including the importance of our local River; its uses and some of the key landforms we can find.

Key dates

Week Beginning 12.06.23 - Thorpe Park Trips

20th June to 30th June 2023 - Year 10 Mock Examinations

20th June 2023 - Meet the SLT

Week Beginning 03.07.23 - Year 6 Transition

Week Beginning 03.07.23 - Geography Field Trip

Week Beginning 10.07.23 - LAT Sports Day

13th July 2023 - Strood Academy Sports Day

Strood Academy - Key Priorities

The academy have set the following key priorities for module 5 and 6. This is to allow a clear strategic planning and implementation on improvement throughout the academy. These key priorities will be used to measure the progress within the academy and allow all stakeholders to be aware of what is happening within the academy. 

The key priorities are as follows;

Module 6 Uniform

Our uniform expectations for module 6 have been adapted. Blazers are optional due to the increased temperatures forecasted for June. However please ensure that all other uniform expectations are adhered to as we continue with our high expectations (please see uniform expectations below)

Uniform expectations

Behaviour expectations and relocation of the behaviour for learning room 

"The Lodge"

At Strood Academy, we are focused on ensuring that all students have lessons that are free from disruption. We realise that creating a positive climate for learning is a responsibility shared by leaders, teachers, parents and pupils’. We have a consistent approach to managing disruptive students so that we as staff and you as parents can reinforce expectations successfully. It is imperative that all students have access to disruption free learning. Our behaviour protocols for managing behaviour are there for a very small minority of students who may cause disruption. We want to reiterate that the majority of our students do work extremely hard in lessons and want to be successful. 

In striving towards excellence, we will be making some changes to our behaviour protocols in term 6. Below is an outline of these changes that will begin on Monday 5th June, straight after the half term break:

Removal from lessons (students are placed in the internal engagement room).

As you are aware we have the three R approach to behaviour in lessons: Remind, Reinforce and Remove. Students are given the opportunity to correct their behaviours before they are removed from the lesson. To continue with consistency and to ensure that all students are receiving the same sanction for a removal, we will be making a few changes :

Thank you for your continued support.

Technology in school

All mobile phones and headphones must not been seen on school ground , these must remain out of sight and switched off. This decision was taken for a number of well-considered and well-researched reasons: 

We at the academy appreciate that communication with your child is important and therefore please be assured if you need to contact them urgently you can do so via the school main reception on 01634 717121 and the message will be passed through the pastoral team to your child.

Below are the key processes that have been shared with all pupils about the expectation and the consequences in relation to the use of technology in school. 
