Weekly Bulletin

Module 5: Week 3 - 5th May2023

Be Inquisitive - Be Resilient - Be Respectful - Be Kind

Principal's Message

Mr Jon Richardson - Principal

Another week has flown by with our pupils continuing to work extremely hard. This week it's been a real pleasure to visit many lessons and see pupils engaged in learning. The thirst for learning and appetite to know more and remember more has been great to see. 

This week we have continued our drive with our expectations that mobile phones and earphones aren't used during the Academy day, including break time and lunch time. Our pupils have risen to the challenge and we've made an incredible step forward here. Thank you for your support.

Our next focus is reviewing all of the pupil passes that our pupils have previously been issued, these include 5-minute passes, calming passes and many others. Our Assistant Principal, Mrs Pritchard has been in touch with relevant pupils and parents to share any changes. Our expectations here are that pupils are in all lessons, maximising learning and learning from the expert teaching. We know that missing key parts of the lessons will disadvantage our pupils within their learning. I thank you for your support in advance. 

You would have read a couple of weeks ago in regard to our brand new Specialist Resource Provision being built, we hope to be able to move into this brand new facility by mid September all going well. The foundations are nearly complete and fingers crossed that the good weather keeps so the construction can continue at such a pace. 

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing all pupils back in the Academy at 8:35am on Tuesday morning. 

Mr J Richardson


Year 7 Poetry


I sit with them at lunch,

fried chicken on my plate.

I eat with a knife and fork.

People may say “you’re not Black, if you

don’t use your hands to eat.”

So how dare you? How dare you

put me down! Question my ethnicity,

my shade of brown. Society crushes

me, always tells me I’m ugly. Yet…

always copy my features.

They think it’s funny. But black is just 

the colour of your skin, not who

you are within. I will never

let anyone put me down or

change my face to a frown.

I keep fighting for my rights though

the things you may say you

never know what is right.

It’s just something that’s your delight. 

Adonia 7V3

Our Selves and Loved Ones

Whose poem is that? I think I know. It’s owner is

quite happy though. Full of joy like a vivid rainbow,

I watch him laugh. I cry “hello!”

He gives his poem a shake,

and laughs until his belly aches. The only other

sounds that break:

of distant waves and birds awake.

The poem is all of his identity, culture and deep,

but he has promises to keep.

After cake and lots of sleep,

sweet dreams come to him cheap.

He rises from his gentle bed,

With thoughts of puppies in his head.

He eats his jam with lots of bread,

Ready for the day ahead. 

Arno Hills 7V3

Year 10 Parents evening

Thank you to all year 10 parents that attended the virtual parents evening. We have over 60% of families attend this evening. 

This was a great opportunity to discuss your child's progress at Stood Academy, especially as they embark on a journey to complete their GCSEs. 

This was our final parents evening of this academic year. 

Year 9 Options

We have worked very hard to ensure that students are given the ultimate choice when coming into Key Stage 4. The options process can be a difficult time for year 9 but we are pleased to confirm that the majority of student choices are approved and for the minority where there is a need to make an alternative choice, you, Mr C. Pleasant and Mrs Henderson will contact both the student and parents to inform them of their choices available. 

More information will be released once this is finalised with the curriculum team. 

Year 11 

Please check your parent mail

As we approach the main exam season which starts on Monday 15th May

There will be information about the year 11 finishing timetable, good luck assembly, last day and prom. All communications will be sent through email, so please keep an eye out for any important messages. 

Can you also inform them of the extension of payment for Prom tickets on Parent Pay to next Friday 12th May. 

We also need their good luck letters sent to leaversassembly@stroodacademy.org by Tuesday 9th May. 

Apply for our 6th form here

Year 13

It's been a busy week for year 13 completing exams for Finance, Law, Sport and Fitness, and Geography. 

For our year 11s, there is still time to submit an application to join the Strood Academy 6th Form, and receive a range of opportunities to help you in the next stage of your educational journey whether that is applying to university or an apprenticeship. 


of year 13's have applied for university in September.

SRP Update

Our new Special Resource Provision is well underway. The groundwork is taking shape and the foundations are ready to be laid. 






Year 7 - 91.36%

Year 8 - 90.55%

Year 9 - 88.79%

Year 10 - 88.08%

Year 11- 89.69%






Year 7 - 89.61%

Year 8 - 91.34%

Year 9 - 87.81%

Year 10 - 90.41%

Year 11 - 90.27%




Victory let's be Victorious



Year 7- 86.90%

Year 8 - 92.53%

Year 9 - 89.51%

Year 10 - 87.16%

Year 11 - 87.27%


We are nearing the exciting time of the year where our year 10  and 12 students get to experience the world of work and gain vital insights into their chosen field. 

It is a great opportunity for students to embody our Strood Academy values of being inquisitive, resilient, respectful and kind.

Year 12 - Monday 15th May to Friday 19th May

All Year 12 have a placement with students going to over 30 different placements

Year 10Monday 22nd May to Friday 26th May 

Students have selected their placements and are awaiting final details regarding their placements which will be coming out to students and parents/carers in the week starting Tuesday 9th May.

Key dates

Week beginning 15th May 2023 - Year 12 work experience

Week beginning 22nd May 2023 - Year 10 work experience

Sign up to the next Meet The SLT Event

We value the opinion of all our stakeholders and if you want your opinion heard please come in a meet the team. 

If you would like to join our next event please sign up using the link below. 

Click here: Meet the SLT 20.06.23 (09.00-10.00)

Strood Academy - Key Priorities

The academy have set the following key priorities for module 5 and 6. This is to allow a clear strategic planning and implementation on improvement throughout the academy. These key priorities will be used to measure the progress within the academy and allow all stakeholders to be aware of what is happening within the academy. 

The key priorities are as follows;

Technology in school

All mobile phones and headphones must not been seen on school ground , these must remain out of sight and switched off. This decision was taken for a number of well-considered and well-researched reasons: 

We at the academy appreciate that communication with your child is important and therefore please be assured if you need to contact them urgently you can do so via the school main reception on 01634 717121 and the message will be passed through the pastoral team to your child.

Below are the key processes that have been shared with all pupils about the expectation and the consequences in relation to the use of technology in school. 
