Module 2

During Module Two, our sports of focus have been Table Tennis, Cricket, and Badminton. Within these sports pupils have gained knowledge on the fundamental skills and tactics required to outwit their opponents within a competitive game. From this, pupils have made use of video to reflect on their performance and analyse their technique. From watching their footage back several times, pupils were able to identify areas of success (strengths) and areas for development (weaknesses). In addition to this, pupils were asked to explain and justify their choices, focusing on the impact that different areas of their performance could have on the outcome of the game.

In addition to the above, each year group had a different area of knowledge that they were required to apply to their sporting analysis. Year 7’s focus was the components of fitness, applying them to the various skills within their sport and recognising the significant influence they can have on a game. Year 8’s focus was the skeletal system. They are able to identify the major bones within the body and recognise the bones responsible for the performed action of skills within their sport, whilst explaining what joint allows for movement to occur. Year 9 have focused on the various types of feedback and guidance, exploring the pivotal impact these can have when looking to enhance performance.

Moving forwards into the new year, we cannot wait to welcome our pupils back to Clubs and Societies within the PE Department. Please do encourage your child to actively engage with the opportunities on offer to them!

Joe's exemplary work (8D)

Arwen's exemplary work, 8F