Reading Robot Winners

Meet our Reading Robot!

Children can win a token to 'buy' a book to keep from our reading vending machine. They are given for showing us a passion for reading at school and at home. Here are this half term's winners. Well done to all of them!

Winners (7th June 2021)

AM Nursery: Alexa Zagorianos

PM Nursery: Bertie Sands

Robins: Maisey Head

Owls: Lydia Ross

Mrs Hartley: Emily Dyson

Miss Westrope: Freya Bunting

Miss Slough: Angus McGinty

Mrs Waterman: Ewan Bignell

Mrs Lulciuc: Hugo Slough

Mrs Shilvock: Laila Head

Miss Angell: Sophia de Ronde

Mrs Francis: Ruby Lardner

Miss Stevens: Louis Brodie

Winners (28th June 2021)

AM Nursery: Theodore Tsang

PM Nursery: Maddison Edmonds

Robins: Jack Goode

Owls: Neri Hughes

Mrs Hartley: Finley Waterman

Miss Westrope: Gracjan Pieniazek

Miss Slough: Edward Skelton

Mrs Waterman: Dolce Baxter

Mrs Lulciuc: Carrick Deiac

Mrs Shilvock: Jessica Williams

Miss Angell: Lily Gould

Mrs Francis: Myles Gibbons

Miss Stevens: Isabella Frewin