Author Q & A

Lou lives in Bedfordshire in the UK with her family and two pets. She is a published children's author. She has written around 20 books including: The Oojamaflip, Narky Sharky and Letter to Pluto. She has given us an insight into her time as an author.

Who was your favourite author as a child?

So many but probably Enid Blyton - I loved the Faraway Tree stories, Malory Towers and the Famous Five!

Who is your favourite character that you have created?

I like The Knight Who Might from my latest picture book as he's so clumsy but he refuses to give up (just like me trying to get published)! In my Pluto books I love Jon's Granny as she's an adrenaline junkie and goes pod racing around Saturn's rings!

When did you start writing books?

I've always written since I was a child and used to make my own books with paper and staples! I've carried on writing avidly and was first published about 5 years ago.

Any tips to help parents encourage children to read?

Find books connected with what they are interested in and don't forget things like graphic books and comics. Once the libraries reopen let them choose their own books. Second hand bookshops are a great way to buy cheap books and take a chance on something new.

Where do you get inspiration for writing books?

I tend to write about things I enjoy such as outer space, dinosaurs and comedy characters. Sometimes picture book inspiration can come from a phrase or word that I like.

What advice would you give to young readers or budding authors?

Write what you enjoy. Create books, comics or plays for your friends and family, and have fun with words. Reading and writing are both a huge playground for the imagination.