Outreach & STEM Sessions

Community Outreach


Raffle Booth at LAPF Parent College


STEAM Lesson at Parent College


STEAM Lesson in Ms. O'Brien's Advisory Class

STEAM Sessions Hosted By Our Team

10.31.19 Haunted House Engineering

Happy Halloween! Girls Build at LAPCMS hosted our school's Harry Potter Club and our Science & Engineering Generation program participants for a early evening of edible Haunted House building!
When Casper the "not-so friendly" ghost is upset he needs a remodeled home! So we helped out the friendly ghost just before our own Trick-oTreating fun! The edible home model was created by our leadership members Giselle S, Alyn M, and Lesi R. worked on all part of the leadership group. Casper pretty much was excited to move in to this durable, sugary home. Hehe!

Girls Build Spa Day

Spa day will consist of mental health by showing girls very good female role models and their success stories! Not to mention we will learn about natural chemicals in our bodies and in common skincare products.
Why? Did you know very important chemicals are released when you are relaxing, then when you are stressed? When we are relaxing and have feelings of happiness we thank Melatonin and Serotonin. We will learn about strategies to increases these chemicals, called neurotransmitters, in your bodies for better health and wellness. And our skin is our number one protection from our environment so we want to know more about these ingredients.

Coming Soon!

Food Science & Nanotechnology November 21, 2019

On the same day as our Thanksgiving Potluck, we will also be thankful for nanoscience! We are going to study edible bubbles and create our own food caviare looking at important chemical structures and how different solutions interact with one another. But remember! Don't ever eat in a lab unless supervised by an adult and they can guarantee your safety.

Color Memory Experiment

Soon to comeIn this Experiment, We will used color markers to see which colors will help us with our memorise because some of us don't have a strong memory to remember anything you learn. Also, this is very informational to us and change our routine in life in the future or in school right now.
We will need to have a packed of markers, Index cards, and a black marker. We will use the black marker to write/draw something on a index card. We will study it for a minute. Then, we will pick out two markers for each member and write something on our two index card and we can't write the same thing that we wrote from the black marker. We will study it for a minute. In the end, Ms. Mar will ask us what we wrote for the two index cards and the black marker one too. Some of our answers will be different because we have different mindset.

Girls Build Coke and Mentos experiments

Soon to come!In this Experiment, We will mix coke and mentos to the test! We will have a row of coke and each coke will have 1 mento at a time! (Example: If we are in the third one, we will add in three mentos!) Also, we'll see by how much mentos we add to the coke to see how HIGH it will be and share our ideas of why this happens and discuss the sciences behind this!

Girls Build Cupcakes Experiments

Soon to come!In this experiment, We will take our art skills to the next level! We will have three to maybe six rounds to do this! First round is by yourself, Second round is with a group of about two or three teammates! Third round is with the WHOLE team doing one drawing (even the teachers can join this part if they want). (This also includes coloring the cupcakes in.) If we have more rounds, it will be groups V.S. groups and even teachers V.S. students!

STEM Session Magnetic Slime Experiment

Soon to come!

In this experiment, the girls will make Magnetic slime! We will make this magnet slime and seeing how those this work in science! We'll also share our thoughts about this magnetic slime to others teammates and discuss the sciences behind this with the team!

Girls Build PH Level Experiment

Soon to come!

In this experiment, We will get different kinds of water bottles and the PH drops. Why? This will tell us what water is healthy for you and what is unhealthy.
How does this combined with science? It combined with science because it will tell us what the water PH level and if it's good for your health. Also, If the water bottle say a PH level, we need to see if the water bottle is telling the truth.

Girls build DIY stress balls

Soon to come!This DIY stress balls is for the girls to have a little break from doing work and work on his DIY stress ball that can be used everywhere. This can also be a scientific way to do something that will help us with our emotions in life. Also, this comes in science by knowing what the ingredients in the stress ball and maybe making something new for the stress balls.

Girls Build Baking Experiment

Soon to come!In this Experiment, We will be baking food that we might have never tried before or even make a new dish. It has to do with science because there is a chemical reaction like the batter bubbling & popping.