
29th April 2022

Principal's Message


We hope that you are enjoying our new look newsletter and all the information that it is bringing. We are really thrilled to be able to give you more insight into life at Langley Park. I, for one, love to read about all of the learning experiences that are available to our children across the curriculum. From our whole school French challenge (hence the salutation "en français") to the tips and tricks on how to engage your child in reading at home, there really is something for everyone. By all means, if you notice a focus or area of learning within our curriculum that you may have a particular expertise in, please do contact the school and we'd be more than willing to explore a fun way for you to work with our children.

As always we are really keen to explore ways we can grow and evolve to continue on our journey to excellence. With this is mind, we are asking for our community's help. Unstructured times of the day are notoriously the most challenging for our children; yes, we're talking about break times (both morning and at lunchtime). Our children work so hard throughout the day to be principled and caring but sometimes this is a little more difficult to achieve during our break times. We are really keen to make some very positive changes and. while we already have some ideas, we would love to hear from all of our community.

We want to promote the children's sense of responsibility both to themselves and others (their peers and children in other year groups), encourage positive engagement in the school facilities, support their engagement in positive play and develop skills in minor conflict resolution. This is to name but a few.

I would therefore be extremely grateful if you could take the time to complete the form below from both your perspective and your child's perspective. We are really focusing on resolving any challenges as opposed to just highlighting them. I am positive that there will be some awesome ideas out there so we can't wait to hear them! The form will be closed on Friday 5th May.

Thank you so much in advance.

And finally... We will be saying goodbye for now to Mrs West who will be starting her maternity leave for her second child on Thursday 5th May. I am sure you'll join me in sending Mrs West lots of good wishes and wait with anticipation for some lovely baby news soon!

Have a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend.

Miss S Brading

Office Reminders:

Late Collection from After School Club

Please be aware that if your child is not collected on time at the end of the school day then they will not automatically be booked into After School Club. Office staff will attempt to contact all those with parental responsibility before moving on to contact other nominated adults that you have authorised to collect your child, for example a grandparent or childminder. These will be contacted in the order of priority that you have provided to us.

Recently, we have noticed that some children have only one adult contact on their record and, whilst it might be that this parent or carer collects daily, it is best practise to have the details of another adult that could collect your child in an emergency. If you think that this might apply to you, please contact the school office to provide details of an additional adult for this purpose.

New Breakfast Club and After School Club System

This week we launched a new booking and payment system for our Breakfast Club and After School Club. It is our hope that this new system will be much easier and more streamlined than the previous one. At the present time you are able to book sessions for any date, however please be reminded that as per the guidance sent out earlier this week, from Friday 6th May we will be applying a 5 day advance booking restriction to the system to enable us to provide accurate catering and staffing provision for both clubs. Last minute bookings can still be made, but you must contact the Academy office in advance and not just send your child along to a session without booking as there may not be a space available. If your child is not booked into After School Club in advance and is not collected at the end of the school day, you will be contacted and asked to collect your child as per the late collection guidance above.

Forgotten Items

Please ensure that your child arrives at school with everything they need for their learning each day. This includes, but is not limited to, water bottles, packed lunches, coats, wellington boots and shoes!

Office staff spend a considerable amount of time every day walking back and forth to and from the main gate to retrieve forgotten items from parents and carers, before then having to distribute them to children all across the school. The time staff invest in doing this impacts the remaining time they have available to spend answering your phone calls, emails and performing other important admin tasks. We would therefore be grateful if you could avoid bringing items to the school once the gates have closed, where at all possible.

Respecting School Property

It has been observed on our CCTV that some children are playing in the area close to the rear kitchen door before school. Some pupils have been spotted kicking the door and riding very close to it on their scooters, which I will also take this opportunity to remind you must not be ridden on school property at any time. The rear kitchen door has already suffered damage and is awaiting repair, however staff are concerned that further damage is being caused and would ask that children avoid touching the door, leaning on it or playing near to it.

On a similar note, please ensure that your child(ren) remain close to you at all times whilst on site and whilst they are waiting to come into class or onto the MUGA. Before and after school, children should continue to behave in a way that reflects our Academy Behaviour Policy and should be respectful to school property and other children and families at all times.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Key Dates:

Monday 2nd May - Bank Holiday

Tuesday 3rd May - Year 2 SATs begin

Tuesday 3rd May - Year 1 Phonics Screening Parent Meeting, 2pm

Wednesday 4th May - Parental deadline for acceptances/refusals for Year R September 2022 entry

Monday 9th May - Year 6 SATs begin. Don't forget that we are running a breakfast club in class from 8.10am each day this week!

Monday 9th May - Parents Evening for Jubilee Class, 3.40pm to 5.30pm

Thursday 12th May - Parents Evening for Jubilee Class, 3.40pm to 7.00pm

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

Hello Yellow

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event during which there is an opportunity for the whole of the nation to focus on achieving good mental health. This year, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place 9th to 15th May and at Langley Park Primary Academy we are going to be celebrating this with our own version of Hello Yellow!

All children are invited to wear a yellow accessory to school on Friday 13th May, such as yellow socks or a yellow hair band. No donation for this is required, however we ask that children bring in money for the Hello Yellow Tuck Shop that we will be offering instead. A trolley will be going around each classroom just before break time to give every pupil the chance to buy a snack to eat at break time. A maximum of two items may be purchased by each child.

Hello Yellow Tuck Shop: Price List

Freddo 30p Maryland Cookie Snack Pack 30p

Quavers 40p Strawberry Fruit Winders 40p

Frazzles 40p Double Fruit Winders 40p

French Fries 40p Jammie Dodger Minis 30p

Barny Bear 30p Gingerbread Men Snack Pack 30p

Choccie Dodgers 30p Cheddars Snack Pack 40p

Cadburys Snack 30p Peperami Snack Pack 30p

Haribo Mini Pack 30p

All proceeds from the tuck shop will be donated to Mind, a mental health charity that provides advice and support to support and empower anyone that may be experiencing a mental health issue. Mind also campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding of mental health matters.

Did you know that each year, one in four people will experience a mental health issue? Support and reliable information can offer lifechanging help and assistance to help you to understand your help, who can help, the choices available to you and ensure that you are not alone.

National Online Safety Guide

Occurring through messaging apps, on social media and in online games, group chats are among the most popular ways that young people engage with their peers online. Involving, by definition, three or more individuals, these groups allow users to send messages, images and videos to everyone in one place. While they are useful for helping friends, people with shared interests or members of a club to communicate and coordinate activities, they can also leave young people feeling excluded and bullied – as well as providing opportunities for inappropriate content to be shared and viewed.