Willow's Corner

Willow's Corner

A huge part of my role is looking after everyone's wellbeing! However, it is just as important to look after your own wellbeing so this week I took my wellbeing day during which I stayed at home, rested and played in the garden! I came back to school on Tuesday feeling very refreshed and energised!

I was ready to work with Year 2 pupils who were learning about their rights and responsibilities. I helped them to choose which ones were the most important and I was pleased to learn about animal rights too with the children! Paws up to that!

I also worked with the children in Apollo Class to count to 10 and I loved singing (or barking away) to 'ten fat sausages'.

In Discovery Class this week we were learning about Malala Yousafzai. We like it when everyone is treated the same! I have been learning how to 'sit' in French this week! Thank you Jubilee! So now when you see me you can say 'asseoir' and I will sit!

With Cameo Class this week I learnt lots about health and hygiene! I always make sure I have a brush and an eye wipe before school!

Have a great weekend and I will see you all next week.