
What's been happening this week?

Take a look at the fantastic French language learning the children have been doing in school this week!

Jubilee and Enterprise

In Year 1, the children have been learning colours in French and have linked this to the colours traditionally used at certain celebrations such as Mardi Gras (the colours pictured above!). Some children in Enterprise Class then added colours to drawings of rainbows they made in their Play and Explore time. One of the children decided to create a chart of the colours to show her family friend who lives in France!

Empire and Jazzy

In Empire class, the children have been trying to give direction in French using droite (right) and gauche (left).

Enoch, from Jazzy Class, has been very keen on using the French he has learned this week. He has said "bonjour" to everyone in Pip every morning and has asked them how they are in French too. Enoch has also been practising how to say "il fait chaud" ("it's hot") and "il pleut" ("it's raining").


The children in Pazazz Class have been trying to use key words in their everyday learning, for example saying hello, goodbye and asking each other how they feel.

Some of the class have been applying their previous knowledge to help identify different children in the class by talking about the colour of their hair, eyes and so on.


In Melrose, the children have been reviewing the vocabulary for different colours, adding ‘light and ‘dark’ to add more detail. They have been singing the days of the week song in French and listening to French stories.

The children have been using Languagenut in class and some pupils are adding it to their homework tasks during the week because they enjoy it so much!