
In Pazazz Class, the children have been able to use their chromebooks to complete TTRS soundchecks.

They have been able to use the internet to research the River Nile and its uses to Ancient Egyptians.

In the SRP pupils have had a fabulous time exploring how to move the Beebots along, up, down and around equipment in the room.

As part of Year 2's Geography work, pupils are looking at maps and they have drawn a map of Langley Park on the floor. They then found out how to program the Beebot to move from one place to another, e.g. from school to Aldi. The children have really engaged with this resource and there has been some great problem solving and resilience seen as they try to meet their goals.

In Fortune Class they have created posters using Google slides and Google Docs, showing their knowledge of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Year 4 pupils have been working on their Sky x Adobe project and have used Adobe software as well as iPads and chrome books to film and edit their videos all about climate change and pollution!