Year 6

Events Influence People's Perspectives

This term was packed full of revision for SATs, looking at D-Day events and also the Windrush Generation after the events that took place during World War ll. 

SATs revision and the preparation was hard but the children were amazing. They worked so hard and achieved so much this year. The assessments went smoothly and the children did a brilliant job. They should be extremely proud of themselves. Now they can breathe!

As this was all going on, we were learning about the events that took place that led to the D-Day landings and wrote an emotive piece of writing about children reliving the battle through their grandfather's letters. After this, the children learned about the Windrush Generation: why they came to Britain; what they brought to Britain and what happened to them after they had helped rebuild Britain from the devastation of the second world war. At the end of this term the children have been designing a Windrush Day celebration for Langley Park. 

Year 6 have now started their rehearsals of their end of year show - Olivia! Their parts have been given out and they have started learning the songs. You are going to be very impressed when you come and watch the show at the end of the year. 

Happy half term to you all!