End of Term 5 Newsletter

24th May 2024 

Principal's Message

Welcome to the final newsletter of the term. It's been a jammed-packed term with so much going on, from trips to competitions to important assessments!

The children's teachers have taken time to write in this newsletter about all that has been going on in their year groups this term. I am sure that you will enjoy reading about not only your child's learning but that of others across the school.

As we approach Term 6, there will be a lot of end of year events that will be going on so please do keep a close eye on any academy correspondence to ensure you don't miss anything. We will also, hopefully, experience warmer weather - to this end please ensure that your child is suitably dressed for this and wearing sun cream. If they need to bring sun cream into the academy to reapply, it must be named and under no circumstances shared with other children.

All that is left to say is that I hope you have a wonderful half term and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 3rd June.

Have a super break!

Miss S Brading

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:

Jubilee Class 


Key Dates for Next Term:

Monday 3rd June All pupils return for Term 6

Monday 3rd June Year 6 pupils leave for PGL, 14:00

Friday 7th June Year 6 pupils return from PGL

Thursday 13th June Reception Trip to Build-A-Bear and Gravity

Friday 14th June Reception Father's Day Tea, 14:30-15:00

Thursday 20th June Class photographs, all year groups

Friday 21st June Whole Academy Sponsored Walk/Run for Heart of Kent Hospice

Wednesday 26th June Nursery Sports Day, 09:00-10:30

Thursday 27th June Nursery Trip to Little Street and Mote Park

Friday 28th June KS1/KS2 Sports Day, refer to letter for timings

Monday 1st July Year 1 Trip to Bedgebury National Pinetum

Tuesday 2nd July Trip to Howletts Wild Animal Park - Fortune Class

Wednesday 3rd July Whole School Song Workshop

Thursday 4th July Whole School Transition Day

Friday 5th July Music Festival, 16:00-19:00 (ticketed entrance only)

Friday 12th July Year 6 Leavers' Party, 15:30-18:00

Tuesday 16th July Year 1 Trip to Build-A-Bear

Wednesday 17th July Year 6 Leavers' Performances, 14:00 and 17:30

Fruday 19th July Last day of Term 6

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the office email address which is contactus@langleyparkprimaryacademy.org.uk. Upon receipt, your email will be directed to the relevant member(s) of staff.

We respectfully ask that you address any concerns or issues with your child's class teacher in the first instance. If it remains unresolved then your concern will then be escalated to Mrs McRobb, Vice Principal. In the unlikely event that it continues to remain unresolved, it will be escalated to Miss Brading at that point.

We are also aware that some parents continue to email staff directly. In the event that this happens, staff have been asked to forward your email to the aforementioned email address to resume communication via the correct channels.