Year 2

Central Idea: Scientific Discoveries May Lead to Further Explorations and Inventions

Lines of Inquiry: 

This term, the children have learnt about key dates in time for flight.  This has included: hot air balloons, gliders and planes.  Take a look at some of the learning that has taken place.

Through their research of flight, the children have written a diary entry as if they were pilots taking their first solo flight,  a story based on Emma Jane's Aeroplane and also a non-chronological report outlining their findings from their research.

Learning Through Reading (VIPERS)

Here are the texts that Year 2 have read to support their learning through inquiry.

Enhanced Learning Experience at the RAF Museum in London

Thank you to the parents that attended our parent workshop, it was great!  The Year 2 team hope you enjoyed immersing yourself into our Science and DT learning.  

Subject Skills Learning


In Geography, the children have learnt how to:

Click above to access a free atlas at home!


In PSHE the children have discussed the importance of:


In Music, the children have been looking at bars of different amount and how to play a steady beat in these different bars of 2, 3 and 4 beats.


In PE, the children have been experiencing outdoor learning through teamwork, playing games and using critical thinking to solve problems. The children have enjoyed problem solving games in teams and spent the previous few weeks starting to prepare for sports day!


In Spelling, the children have been learning the -tion spelling rule, how to use an apostrophe for possession and worked on learning how to spell tricky Year 2 words.


In Art, the children have explored the work of Cassio Vasconcellos who is an aerial photographer, mostly making art using aerial photos of modes of transport. 

The children spent time preparing their own aerial photos before creating a piece of art in the style of Cassio Vasconcellos using a mode of transport.