Willow's Corner

What an amazing week of learning we have had this week. I especially enjoyed making dog-friendly pancakes with Reception pupils! Although I think everything I eat is dog friendly, hmm....

I hope you have had a great half term break? I really enjoyed spending time at home and going on lots of walks with my doggy friends. I also had a special dog groom but I definitely do not like the drier on my ears!

This week, my Class of the Week award goes to Apollo Class for allowing me to join them for their sunflower seed planting session! I helped by digging the spaces the seeds needed to go in with my nose!

Please see below my special slides for the week. Don't forget, we have our 'Walk with Willow' fundraiser event happening at the moment. We are raising money to buy a special dog harness and camera to enhance my learning at school. Please visit the academy office to collect a special photo of me which can accompany you on your walks! You can collect a sponsorship form from the offiuce too. Happy walking!

Working with Willow Term 4 Week 1