Primary Years Programme

Here is a snapshot of the PYP learning that will be taking place in Term 4:


Living things play an important role in our lives.

1. An inquiry into living things in our world.

2. An inquiry into the role living things have in our world.

3. An exploration of our responsibility for caring for our natural world. 


The environment influences living things. 

1. An inquiry into the life cycle of animals.

2. An exploration of animals and their habitats.

3. An inquiry into our role in caring for our planet.

Year 1

The availability of resources impacts how a community works and grows together.

1. An inquiry into recognising how living things grow and change.

2. An inquiry into our responsibility towards our community.

3. An inquiry into how our local area is connected.

Year 2

Science knowledge can improve our opportunities for exploration and discovery.

1. An inquiry into the early development of flight.

2. An inquiry into how the properties of materials influence their uses.

3. An inquiry into how flight has transformed our understanding and impacted on the world

Year 3

Forces may cause change.

1. An inquiry into how forces cause an effect. 

2.An inquiry into how natural disasters affect our lives. 

3.An inquiry into the impact of fossilisation on people’s understand of natural forces.

Year 4

Invasions can lead to positive advancements.

1. An inquiry into identifying invasions.

2. An inquiry into civilisations that invaded others.

3. An inquiry into the impact of invasion.

Year 5

Expression of human history relies on communication.

1.An inquiry into how history has been shared over time.

2.An inquiry into sharing beliefs.

3. An inquiry into modern communication.

Year 6

Events influence people's perspectives and views.

Save The Date!

PYP mini exhibition/workshop will be on the following dates in Term 4:

EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2: Monday 27th March

Nursery, Year 3 and Year 4: Tuesday 28th March

Year 5 and Year 6: Wednesday 29th March