
24th February 2023

Principal's Message:

Welcome back to the fourth term of the year. Already this week we have had a busy start, with lots of exciting things happening around the academy. Year 6 pupils visited the Hazlitt Theatre to take part in a theatre workshop which they thoroughly enjoyed, although I think Mr Dodds and Mr Monaco enjoyed it more! Next week, children in Year 1 are off to the Rare Breeds Centre. 

We are very fortunate to be able to offer so many enriching activities to our pupils. We are very much aware that these can come at a cost to families, especially for those who have more than one child at Langley. In order to support this, we are subsidising costs as much as we can through our COVID premium grant.

The academy has taken time to peruse the responses to the parent survey and we are grateful to those who responded; there is some really valuable feedback for us to take away. We noticed that in answer to the question about how we support our children's wider personal development, some parents and carers were unsure as to how we do this. We do a huge amount for this which we would like to share with you below;

The above is not an exhaustive list and is in addition to the curriculum content that is embedded within our units of inquiry. We will continue to communicate when we do new initiatives or hold events that continue to evolve our children's wider personal development.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.

Miss Brading

Office Reminders:

Medicine Administered in School

Please can we ask that you supply a spoon or syringe with any prescribed liquid medication that you have asked the academy office to administer to your child. We do not have a stock of these to use if one is not provided. Thank you.

Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeal - Non-Uniform Donations

Thank you to all those who have contributed £1 today in support of our non-uniform day to raise funds for the victims and aid projects related to the recent earthquakes that have hit Turkey and Syria. Thanks to your generosity, we have raised £308 and this money will be transferred to help all those affected. If you have not yet paid your contribution via My Child at School, please so before Monday so that your donation can be included.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on  and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Key Dates:

Friday 3rd March Celebrating World Book Day - children will undertake the Sponsored Readathon and are invited to wear pyjamas to school 

Friday 10th March Year 5 Coffee and Conversation, 2.30pm

Wednesday 15th March Year R Hearing Screening

Friday 17th March Comic Relief: Red Nose Day!

Friday 17th March EYFS Coffee and Conversation, 2.30pm

Monday 20th March Reception Maths Workshop, 2.30pm

Tuesday 21st March Parents Evening, 3.50pm-7.30pm

Wednesday 22nd March Parents Evening, 3.50pm-5.30pm

Thursday 23rd March Nursery Maths Workshop, 2.30pm

Friday 24th March Year 1 Coffee and Conversation, 2.30pm

Monday 27th March Reception Trip to Tyland Barn

Wednesday 29th March Year 4 Trip to British Museum

Friday 31st March Year 6 Coffee and Conversation, 2.30pm

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

National Online Safety Guide

With around 60,000 songs added to its online library every single day, Spotify is a vast treasure trove of music ranging from some 19th century recordings through to giants of the download age, such as Ed Sheeran and The Weeknd. Factor podcasts, audiobooks and videos into the mix as well and the Swedish-based streaming platform quite literally offers something for everyone.

However, not everything in Spotify's depths is universally suitable. The sheer mass of music and content on the platform means that, naturally, not all of it is intended for young listeners. With an audio chat feature also available, and media reports of predatory activity on this, the below guide highlights other aspects of Spotify which trusted adults should most definitely be aware of.