Primary Years Programme

As part of the Primary Years Programme at Langley Park Primary Academy we have lots of different language that is used on a day-to-day basis. Each week, this section will look at different aspects of the PYP language giving you, as parents and carers, an insight into our learning.

Key Concepts

AT LPPA we use key concepts to explore the central idea further and develop a deeper knowledge and concept of the central idea. The concepts used are timeless, universal and abstract which help learners to engage with tricky ideas creatively. During a transdisciplinary theme the teacher will choose up to 3 key concepts for the children to use to develop their understanding. There are 7 key concepts, these are;

  • change

  • responsibility

  • perspective

  • causation

  • connection

  • form

  • function

When using these concepts in the classroom, children are given opportunities to unpick the meaning of the concept and allow them time to see the links their concept has with their central idea. We refer to these key concepts during their everyday learning and allow the children to deepen their understanding of these as they go through the school.