
20th May 2022

Principal's Message

We have had a jammed packed week full of exciting events. Year 6 have been taking part in a carving workshop with a local sculptor called Jason Mulligan as part of a community art project in collaboration with Redrow homes. The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating masterpieces of which they are very proud even if they found it challenging. To quote one of the children: "As long as you've tried your hardest; art is art!"

Reception and Year 1 pupils joined in with a workshop all about the Queen's Jubilee and Year 4 brought their learning alive with a workshop about the Romans.

We have been really pleased to be able to offer these workshops free of charge to parents as part of the Leigh Academies Trust's commitment to developing our curriculum. These experiences are so important to bring context and relevance to the children's learning.


It has been brought to my attention that some members of our community are parking and driving irresponsibly throughout the estate. Local residents are understandably concerned and frustrated that this is happening. Please, when parking in the estate, ensure that you are parking responsibly, with care and respect so that we can exist harmoniously with the local community. Parking near to schools is notoriously a very challenging and contentious situation that we all need to work together to address.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss S Brading

Office Reminders:

Lost property is something that parents and carers frequently contact the academy office about. Please be aware that we do not have an official lost property "box" - when items are found, staff across the school are made aware in the hope that the owner can be identified quickly. Due to this, should your child lose something in school please ask them to speak to their class teacher and learning support assistant in the first instance. The most likely places for an item to have been misplaced are within the classroom or somewhere your child's class has been as a whole, such as the lunch hall or an outside area.

It is also extremely helpful when all belongings that your child may bring to school have their name on - lunch boxes, water bottles, clothing etc. We understand the frustration that occurs when your child loses something in school, but naming personal items is by far the easiest and simplest way to maximise the chances of things being returned to their rightful owner.

We ask that you also be vigilant with your child bringing things home from school that do not belong to them in error. Please check your child's bag regularly and if you notice that this has happened, then kindly return the item(s) to the school the very next day. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Key Dates:

Monday 23rd May - Platinum Jubilee Celebrations begin

Monday 23rd May - Year 1 Morris Dancing Performance, 3pm

Tuesday 24th May - Young Voices Concert

Tuesday 24th May - Year R Hearing Screening

Thursday 26th May - Showcase of Children's Learning, 2.30pm-3.35pm (Years R to 6)

Thursday 26th May - Football trials for Year 4 pupils

Friday 27th May - "The Great Langley Park Picnic", a celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Children are invited to wear clothing that contains red, white and/or blue, with school shoes or trainers.

Friday 27th May - Last Day of Term

Monday 6th June - Return to school for Term 6

Please note that these are confirmed dates, but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

National Online Safety Guide

The past year has left many children feeling uncertain and worried and so this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week has adopted the theme of ‘express yourself’. It’s not necessarily about being the best – but encouraging young people to relish the joy of being ‘in the moment’ and loving what they do. So whether they are into music, art, photography, film, drama or dance, here are our top tips for helping your child to express themselves safely online.

In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of tips such as celebrating your child's identity, supporting their interests and enabling emotional expression.