
The approach to teaching Maths at Langley Park Primary Academy is consistent throughout all year groups. However, the learning content throughout the school varies week to week depending on the year group and skills being covered. The aim of this page is to share current learning from particular year groups and to keep you updated on any important matters involving Maths. This week, our focus is on Reception and Year 4.

Celebrating our knowledgeable Mathematicians this week!

In their recent learning, Year 4 have been looking at, and building on, their current understanding of time.

Amelia has demonstrated a sound understanding of the topic, showcasing her ability to reason and problem solve.

Well done, Amelia!

In their recent learning, Reception Class have been working on the fundamental skill of subitising numbers. This is one of the core skills in Maths that have a serious impact on children all through their school life.

Well done, Leonardo!