Willow's Corner

Welcome back to Term 5. I have had a great first week back learning lots with you all. I hope you all had a restful break, I know I certainly had time to rest my little paws!

I have some very special news to share with you - I received my Dog Mentor Licence. This means that I can work in many new public spaces. This will really enhance the work I do at LPPA because I will now be able to attend different events across the academy. How pawsome is that? Mrs Dunn is already starting to think about where my first school trip could be and I am very excited. Don't forget that we are still taking part in our whole school fundraiser event 'Walk with Willow'. Please collect a sponsor form and photo from the Academy Office. We are raising money for a special dog camera and harness which will enable video diaries of my learning around school to take place.

My Class of the Week this week is Pazazz Class for teaching me about different genres of music. I loved the rock music the most!

Please see below for my special slides showcasing all of our fantastic learning as well as my special Easter Holiday diary. 

Have a great weekend!

Working with Willow Term 5 Week 1
Willow's Easter Holiday 2022 Diary