Primary Years Programme

All of the National Curriculum subjects are taught through an inquiry approach to learning.  

Here is an overview of this term's learning focus for each year group:


Our World is special and is connected in many ways. 

1. An inquiry into our local weather.

2. An inquiry into the Royal Coronation.

2. An exploration of our local community.

3. An exploration of our impact on the natural world


Great leaders influence our past, present and future.

1. An inquiry into the roles in our society.

2. An inquiry into what makes a great leader.

3. An exploration of Great Leaders in our world. 

Year 1

People express their uniqueness through art.

1. An inquiry into significant artists of the past and present.

2. An inquiry into expressing ourselves through art.

3. An inquiry into how we can use artwork to inspire our poetry writing.

Year 2

Plants rely on their environment to survive.

1. An inquiry into what plants need to survive.

2. An inquiry into why plants survive in different climates and environments.

3. An inquiry into how we can protect those environments to ensure plants can thrive.

Year 3

By learning about those that came before us, we can better understand our lives today.

1. An inquiry into  the factors that affect our lives.

2. An inquiry into life in different times and places.

3.An inquiry into connections across time and place

Year 4

Perspectives develop through time

1. An inquiry into perspectives of other communities in other cultures.

2. An inquiry into changes of cultures through their locations over time.

3. An inquiry into the connections between local and wider communities.

Year 5

Finding resolution to conflicts between people may lead to a better quality of human life.

1. Peace and conflict affects all people

 2. There are many different causes of conflict

3. Ways to resolution may redefine society.

Year 6

People's access to infrastructure influences their lives

1. An inquiry into the progression of the local area

2. An inquiry into the progression in the global community

3. An inquiry into a comparison of local progression and progression in other areas.

If you would like to know more about the teaching and learning at our school, please get in touch with the office and I will arrange a session to provide a greater insight into our school curriculum.

Ms Barrett - PYP Coordinator