Recognition Rewards! 

Within the Early Years we support children from a very young age to develop the skills they need to be successful within our modern world. A key part of this is developing a positive, have a go attitude towards nursery and school life. Already within our classrooms we have our Recognition Boards. There are places, where children are rewarded for display the appropriate learning behaviour that is the focus that day. For example; it might be using their manners when asking for things, or caring for a friend during the school day. These are then celebrated within the class, nursery have bumble bees and our Reception pupils have Willow paws to celebrate when they have achieved a Recognition Reward. 

From next week the EYFS team are going to add further rewards into our day, to develop the open mindset and positive attitudes towards learning that is so important. 

Therefore, you will now see the children coming home with 'Recognition Role Model' stickers when they go above and beyond what is asked from them within the day. Then each day a member of the class will receive a 'Recognition Role Model Of The Day' certificate to reward them for being awesome in all aspects of school life. 

We hope your child enjoys celebrating not only their own achievements, but also those of their classmates. As always, if you would like to share any of your child's views on tapestry when they receive a Recognition reward we would love to see them in school. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Mrs L and the EYFS Team.